Chapter 4

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Richies pov.

I woke up this morning with the sun shining through my windows into my blind eyes, giving me a pounding headache. I tackled telling my parents, and succeeded. But this is gonna be hard.

I know I'll get insults, and pushed around, the thought makes me wince. But I'll be fine. I need to do this. Today is the day I come out to my "friends."

I sure as hell am not ready. My alarm goes off and I just groan and roll over, shoving my head in a pillow. Surely enough, soon my mom comes in.
"Richard. You still aren't up??" She says. I groan and look up at her.
"Don't call me Richard, mom. It's Richie." I say.

"Well, Rich-ie. It's time to get up for school. You're gonna be running late." She says.
"Fine." I mutter, getting out of bed and pulling out a Hawaiian button up, a white tank top, and some jeans. I don't wear outfits like this often, I love them, but henry doesn't. I shove my glasses on and since I'm running late, I don't even bother to brush my messy hair. I slip on my tennis shoes and run downstairs.

"Sweetie! Don't forget your lunch!" My mom calls before I head out the door.
"Oh, right. Thanks mom! Love you, have a good day at work!" I say and I see her smile before I run out.

"Love you too, sweetie, have a good day and stay safe!" She calls after me. Can't make any promises mom. I walk towards Vic's street. We always meet there in the morning.

"You're late Tozier. We were about to leave without you." Hockstetter says as I approach.
"Sorry guys." I say.
"Where even is your skateboard, Rich?" Henry asks me, clearly disappointed.

"Yeah, I don't think I can make it to the skate park today." I say.
"Why? That's what you said yesterday. And what are you wearing???" He judges making me roll my eyes. I gotta get this over with soon.

"IM BISEXUAL." I blurt out. Shit.
"What did you just say??" Belch says looking at me, his stare hardens.
"Y-you heard me." I stutter out, failing to speak.
"You turning into your new boyfriend, B-B-B-Billy now??" Henry asks, standing taller.
"Please. Just leave me alone." I say.

"Fine. You'd fit right in with those gay losers." Henry spats out.
"Please. Don't hurt Ed- the losers." I say, worried. I silently curse myself for almost blurting out Eddie's name. Here it comes.

"Ohhhh, so fairy boys your boyfriend??" Vic says.
"N-no. Eddie's just my friend. Just leave them alone." I say, trying to walk away.
"Can't make any promises, fag." Henry spats as I start to walk faster.

Just like that. 11 years of friendship down the drain just because of my sexuality?? Now I have to face bigger problems. What is this I'm feeling for Eddie, why am i-

"Hey, Richie!" I hear Stans voice call, interrupting my thoughts.
"Oh, hey Staniel. How ya doin buddy??" I ask him, blinking back the tears forming in my eyes.

"Shut up Trashmouth." He says, then looks at me concerned. "Are you crying?"
"N-no of course not." I say, looking at my curly haired- friend? Is that the right word?

"Did everything go alright with your parents?" He asks. Concern laces his face.
"Oh yeah, they were really accepting." I say.
"That's great! So what's wrong?" Stan asks me.

"I didn't think it'd be so cruel and hard to tell the gang. I knew they wouldn't accept it, but it still hurt, it's like, 11 years of friendship down the drain. Crappy friendship but still." I ramble out and he nods empathetically.

"Yeah, it's okay to be upset, I get it. I had this old friend and they got mad at me over something so small and I lost that friendship. We haven't spoken in 2 years. She moved away. And I'm sorry man." He says, that must've sucked.

"Oh, I'm sorry Stan, that must've sucked." I say.
"Nah, it's alright, yours is much worse. I'm sure it'll get better." He says, and suddenly I see 2 figures coming towards us.

"HEY DICKHEADS!" One shouts. Then my suspicions are confirmed, that's Bev.
"Yes, Beeverly??" I speak as her and Ben approach Stan and I.

"Shut up trashmouth. So how are you idiots doing?" She asks, looking at me.
"Good, hey, what are you guys doing after school today??" I ask.

"Ummm we actually had a plan to go to the quarry, you could come if you want." Ben says.
"Cool, sounds fun, I'll be there." I say and Bev gasps.

"YOU DID IT?!" She exclaims, staring at me.
"Yes. My parents were accepting and the gang wasn't. Just like I hoped and expected." I say and she gives me a huge grin, and gives me a hug.

What's happening? This is weird. I do not like physical affection. But I hug back anyway.
"I'm proud of you, loser." Bev says in my ear.

"I'm confused, what happened??" Ben says.
"Oh, um. I'm bi." I say.
"Wow, are you always so straightforward??" He asks as we keep walking to school.

"Yup." I say, popping the P.
"Well, that's good for you man." Ben says, reaching up, patting me. We just chat away as we head to school.

(A/n: Yeah. I think this chapter was okay.)

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