Chapter 2

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Richie's pov

I quickly accept Eddie's offer to walk with him and Bill to school. Excited that I could actually have real, good friends. Eddie's friends probably wouldn't like me though.

We quickly approach school. I kept seeing Bill give me questioning looks on the way but I just shrugged it off and continued walking in step with the pair.

"Eddie!" I hear one of his friends yell. Beverly Marsh. Everyone knows her. But she's tough as a nail. Henry was always a bit rude to her.
"Bev!" He yells, pulling me over towards his friends.

"What's HE doing here??" One of the kids asks, motioning to me. He's around my height with curly blond hair. I remember Henry calling him the gay jew. But he called everyone gay. I know he's Jewish though, he's wearing a kippa.

"Everyone, this is Richie." Eddie says. Um yeah. I think they know who I am.
"Yeah, we know." A bit of a chubby kid says, he holds out his hand for me to shake. I shake it and he just gives a slight smile.

"I mean, why are you hanging with a Bowers gang kid?" Beverly says, and I hang my head slightly. I knew they wouldn't want to see me.
"H-he is-isnt like B-B-Bowers." Bill stutters out.

"Really? How do you know, Bill?" The Jewish kid asks Bill. "Oh, sorry, I'm Stanley, but most people just call me Stan. I assume you already know Eddie and Bill." He says. "And this is Ben" he says motioning to the kid who shook my hand. "And that's Bev. And our friend Mike is homeschooled, so you won't see him anytime soon"

"Uh. Hi. I'm Richie, you probably just know me as one of the Bowers gang, but I'm not like them. I never helped them in torturing kids, I always told them to back off. I- uh. You see, I was never good at making friends, and I was friends with Henry in Kindergarten, and I just stuck with him." I explain. They all look at me confused. I scratch the back of my neck nervously at this. "So uh. Yeah."

"Well, it's nice to actually meet you." Ben finally says, giving me a smile. I smile back, until I hear Hockstetter's voice coming.

"Shit. They're gonna kill me." I mutter, "See you in gym, Bev?" I speak up.
"Yeah 1st period." She says.
"Cool, see you then." I say and quickly walk away towards Henry.

"So what's the deal with fairy boy?" Henry asks me.
"Who? Oh you mean Eddie! I was just having a little convo and he was trying to walk away." I say, awkwardly.

"Better have been, Bowers gang and Losers club don't mix." Vic says, and I nod, as I glance over at the losers walking into school together. I wish I could have friends like that.

When I get to gym for 1st period, I change in the boys locker room. As I walk out, Bev grabs my wrist and pulls me to the side.
"OW! Jesus, Beverly! You're strong." I yelp out.

"Yeah, I know" she says. "What do you want?" She asks me.
"I don't know, you're the one that tried to break my wrist." I say.
"Don't." She says. What??? "Why are you suddenly being nice??"
"Because I want good friends, I hate being known as 'part of the Bowers gang.'" I answer truthfully.

"Cut the crap. Did Bowers put you up to it??" She questions. Jeez she doesn't give up.
"No! I swear. You always looked like nice people." I say. Bev is scary, I'm not gonna lie.
"Sooooo do you need something from us?" She asks. Wow okay, she really doesn't wanna be my friend.

"I just- you know what, nevermind" I say, and walk out to the track and start running laps. Suddenly a fast Redhead appears next to me. "What?? I thought you didn't wanna be my friend" I say.

"I'm doing this for Eddie, not you." She says.
"Huh, doing what?" I say as I slow down, she just slows with me.
"How do you expect to get out of the Bowers gang?" She asks me.

"I don't know yet." I say, "I could ummmmm I could....." I start but then get lost in my thoughts. "He wouldn't wanna be my friend if I came out." I finally say. She just stares at me.

"y-youre gay??" Bev asks me.
"Well no, I'm bi." I sigh, "I assume you don't wanna be my friend anymore?" I say.
"No. I do. I was just shocked." She says.

"Oh. Okay." I say, "I could just do that, but would the Losers not wanna hang with me?"
"Oh no. They would be fine with it. Half of us are at least a little gay." She says. "But are you ready to come out?"

"I think, I have to tell my parents first and see what they think." I say "then, yeah."
"You have to, because Bowers gang and Losers club don't mix." She said, "or figure another way out."

"Okay. Thanks." I say to Bev.
"You're not as bad as I thought, Trashmouth." She says to me. I just laugh and we keep running.

(A/n: It's short again but idk what I'm doing soo yeah. Also this is probably really bad, I just really need to update. Sorry, love you all.)

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