Chapter 9

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Bev pov.

Last night was pretty fun if I'm being honest. I woke up before all the other losers, as usual. I look over and see Richie and Eddie decided to share the couch in the end. I see them cuddled up on the couch. I smile to myself and walk to the kitchen to make breakfast.

"Oh hey." Anna says as I approach. I jump forgetting she was here. "Sorry. I didn't mean to startle you."

"Its fine. I'm just usually the only one up. Why are you awake it's like 6:34 in the morning." I say, opening the cabinet and getting out a pan.
"Just couldn't sleep." She says and I nod. "Need any help?"she asks me.

"Oh it's fine, I'm just gonna make breakfast. Pancakes sound good?" I ask as I get out the mix and she nods.

"Sounds amazing." She replies, and I laugh.
"Would you mind getting me the eggs and milk?" I ask, and she nods opening the fridge.

"So, what's the deal with you guys?" Anna asks, placing the milk next to the bowl.
"What do you mean?" I ask.
"Well I guess I just can't figure the group out."

"Ohhh well I guess, Eddie and Bill had known each other the longest. Then they met Stan, and they're really close friends. Me and Ben were in history together, and we met Mike one time, being hassled by Henry Bowers, and we all kind of met up and became good friends. Mike always says we 'saved him from Bowers' Eddie and I became good friends, as well as Bill and I" I start.
"What about Richie?" She asks.

"Well, uhhhhhh-"
"Isn't he in the Bowers gang?!"
"Well he was but now he isn't cause uhhh-"

"How did he even get out? He must've done something so horrible they dropped him. Also what happened to his han-"

"Anna! He didn't do anything horrible. Its complicated how he got out. His hand is injured because he got in a fight with Bowers." I snap at her, and its silent for a moment. "Hes our friend cause hes actually a good guy. Eddie wanted to give him a chance and it worked greatly."

"Okay..... sorry. " Anna says, shyly, looking down.
"Sorry its just you pried so much and theres nothing wrong with him." I say, as I start finally cooking.

"Well hello Beeverly, good mornin!" A voice says, and I turn around to see Richie "it smells pretty great, I just need a glass of water."

"Alright, Trashmouth. Cups are in the top cabinet theres a pitcher of water in the fridge." I respond, going back to cooking, and he smiles.

"Why thank you milady! Oh, hello, Anna. " he says, in an awful British accent, and I laugh.
"God stop it with the awful accents." I grin.
"Hi, Richie." Anna says, slightly smiling.

"Shut up Bee!" Richie yells at me. "Well, I gotta go back to spaghedward, goodbye Ladies." Richie says, and I can't help but laugh.

"Have fun lovebirds!" I yell at them and chuckle, earning a middle finger from Richie, and Eddie yells a small 'shut up Bev!' Making me laugh more.

"Does that always happen?" Anna says, looking at me, almost disgusted.
"Something like it. Why?" I say.
"Are they together or something?"

"No" I laugh "they just act like a flirty couple a lot so we joke about it."
"Oh" she laughs. "Uhhh what time is it?" She asks after a bit.

"Uhhh its 9, can you go see if the guys are up?" I ask her and she nods, walking off. I finish cooking the pancakes and put them out on the table. Mike comes in, followed by Anna, Bill, and Stan.

"Where's Eddie??" I ask and Mike shrugs.
"Hes trying to get Richie to get off the couch." Stan says, grinning and I laugh.
"Okay then." I say, as Eddie finally walks in.

"Bill, do you care if I use the water?" Eddie asks, and Bill says 'uh its fine' less than 2 minutes later, I hear Richie yelp from the other room, and Eddie walks in and puts the pitcher back in the kitchen.

"All done. Thanks." Eddie says, and smiles triumphantly as Richie trudges in soaked in water, and takes a seat next to Eddie and I nearly fall out of my chair laughing.

"Sssss" Richie hisses at Eddie and shakes water out of his hair toward Eddie, as Eddie uses a pancake as a shield.

"Hey! I spent time on those pancakes!" I yell at Eddie, pulling it out of his hand.
"Sorry Bev." Eddie says, and picks up a pancake and we all start eating.

Richie pov

I woke up to a sleeping smaller boy in my arms, I slowly unwrap my arms, and when he wakes up and mutters a  'Richie where are you going' I respond, telling him I'm going to get water and I'll be right back.

I walk into the kitchen to Bev cooking, and I grin.
"Well hello Beeverly! Good morning!" I laugh walking into the kitchen and she laughs and shakes her head. "It smells pretty great, I just need a glass of water."

"Alright Trashmouth, cups are in the top cabinet, and theres a pitcher of water in the fridge." I stick my tongue out at her teasingly at the nickname, and she sticks her tongue out right back at me, and I hold a hand to my chest pretending to be offended.

"Why thank you Milady" I say, in my signature British accent, finally walking over to get water. "Oh hey Anna" I say and she responds with a quiet 'hi Richie' as Bev lectures me on my 'horrible' accents.

"Shut up, Bee!" I fire back. "Well I gotta go back to Spaghedward. Goodbye ladies"
"Have fun lovebirds!" Bev calls after me, and I shoot her a middle finger as I feel my cheeks heating up.
"Shut up Bev!" The still half asleep Eddie yells, and I chuckle, as we settle back in to sleep.

Shortly, I open my eyes, and Eddie's shaking me.
"Richie get up."
He pokes me.

"Come on Chee, breakfast is ready."
"I'm sleeeepinggggg" I whine.
"You've left me no choice" he says, and finally walks away. I close my eyes back to sleep.

Shortly I'm awoken by my body being splashed with cold water.
"AHHH SHIT" I shriek, jumping up, and I look up to see Eddie laughing victoriously. He walks into the dining room and shortly I trudge in after him, still soaked.

I sit down and everyone dies of laughter, Bev actually fell out of her chair. I hiss at Eddie and fling water at him and he starts using a pancake as a shield. I laugh as Bev lectures us.

Once breakfast is done, we all decide to go to the quarry.
"I'm gonna have to go home. My mom will be expecting me" Anna says, and we nod and wave goodbye.

"I'll beat ya there." I say to Eddie.
"Oh you're on." He says, jumping on his bike and we all bike to the quarry, me and Eddie ahead of the others. I reach there first and Eddie a little after, panting.

"You okay Eds?" I ask, concerned, and he pulls out his inhaler.
"I'm fine Rich. I had to slow down I was going too fast and couldn't breathe." He responds and I nod.
"Sorry I made you go so fast." I say, and he looks at me.
"No you're fine." He says, taking another puff from his inhaler. "You didn't do anything wrong." I just nod and smile in response.

"Oh hey, geez, what took you so long?" I chuckle as the others join us. Ben shakes his head.

"Shut up Richie" Stan says "You and Eddie went too fucking fast."
"Well it was a race." I say, chuckling, in a 'its-kinda-obvious' voice, and Bill shakes his head.
"W-whatever T-Trashmouth" he stutters out and I laugh.

(A/n: Its kind of a short chapter but I think it was pretty ok. I just remembered I need to write for this story so I just did.)

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