June 5th, 1944

392 23 62

Italics are thoughts
Underlines are writing, text, print, etc.
Mikey's pov

On a dirty boat I stood along side my fellow soldiers. The rain had just began to fall as each one of us impatiently waited for this boat ride to end. What happened afterwards could either be for the better or for the worst. The shores of Normandy had now shown itself in the misty ocean horizon.

Gerard, my older brother, stood beside me. He held the same sense of anxiety as everyone else on the boat. Just like the green garbs we wore on our backs and silver dog tags hung from our necks. My gaze shifted towards his rifle, shaking in his trembling hands.

"You okay, Gee?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'm just nervous." He answered.

"Aren't we all?" Our mutual friend, Frank, spoke from in front of us. He turned and nervously smiled.

The short statured man in front of us was right. If the boat hadn't been sloshing around already, it would've been shaking about just from our nervous bones. But it was different with Gerard. The invasion of Normandy would be his first time shouting orders more than taking them. I couldn't blame him.

Why should he be in this position? He's a good soldier... but... he's shaking in his boots... I can't imagine what's going through his head right now...

"Hey Gerard," The medic and also mutual friend, Ray began, standing in front of Gerard, "You're going to do great out there. You're an amazing soldier, why would this be any different?"

"Thanks Ray, I'll try my best not to let you down."

"Yeah well, just promise not to get me killed, alright, Way?" Frank spoke with a smirk.

"I can assure you that we'll all be home safe in just a few months. Gerard's going to do just fine out there." I said.

"We can only hope I will," Gerard said. The beach only came closer and closer with each word spoken, "If anything happens to you guys out there, just know, you're a really good group of men. I hope to see you in the outside world one day. And Mikey?" He does this every time we go into combat... we're going to be fine...


"I love you. You're the best little brother I could ask for." I nodded.

"I love you too Gee," The boat pulled up to the beach, "See you guys on the other side." As soon as the words left my lips, the boat landed, and the platform crashed down into the ocean water. The invasion of Normandy had begun.

Everyone on the boat, including me, ran down the platform, screaming. Bullets had already began firing from the other side as we trudged through the water and muddy banks. Men around us were shot down in merely seconds. I just kept running as the sound of bullets firing rang through the air, over and over again.

Quickly, I took cover behind these big metal cross pieces along the beach, I can't recall their names at the moment. With my rain drop covered rifle shaking in my hands, I aimed, and fired at the enemy. I kept my attention on my duty, away from the fallen soldiers surrounding me.

"Mikey!" I turned to see Gerard, yelling at me, "Pull forward!" I nodded, taking one last look before running away from my cover. At this point I was pretty sure Gerard was yelling at me more, but I couldn't hear amongst the thunder and rain and gun shots.

And then, it happened. I was shot, in the chest. The pain was immense as I fell to the wet sand, screaming in agony. I only wanted the pain to end. Ray came to my side, bringing me to cover, and doing his best to patch me up, but I knew all too well that I was done for.

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