Chapter 3

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Ashton's POV
We all panicked. The first thing I thought to do was to message her telling her not to kill herself.

"@SophiePanettiere: please don't do this! You have so much to live for. So many people care about you. We do. don't do something you'd regret. Please. x"

I immediately pressed send. It seems that the boys followed my action and sent something to her as well. We had to find our where she is so that we can save her.

We googled her and clicked the news button to see if it said anything about her.(let's pretend that she's a very well known YouTuber and singer).

Zayn found a website that said that said that she just came home from a two week vacation in Mexico City. I know from her videos that she lives in California, and we are currently in London...but I know that Simon flew there a couple of days ago for a business meeting and is coming back in a few days!

"Guys! Simon is in L.A so maybe he can go to her house and see if she's alright or something! Then we can fly her here and she can stay with us! And she can eat with us, and tour with us and we'll-"
Liam cuts me off.

"Ash, you're getting a little ahead of yourself here.
1) Simon is probably busy. He's not gonna want to stop what he's doing to check up on her. He doesn't even know her.
2) We can't just fly her here without talking to her or giving her a chance to think about it. It would be wrong to just take her from her home. She's probably dealing with a lot and that's probably why she tried to kill herself. And 3) Even if we did work everything out and she did stay with us, what if she doesn't like us? What will we do if she wants to go home? We can't keep her against her will."

"It's worth a shot. For all we know, she could be dead right now. We shouldn't be wasting time! Someone call Si-"
Zayn cut Calum off.

"I already called Simon as soon as Ashton mentioned his name. Simon is on his way to the house now. And I told him if she's okay to pass along our numbers so that she can call whenever."

"Good thinking. But how'd he find her address?"
I ask Zayn.

"He's Simon Cowell, he can do whatever he wants."
Harry states.

"Okay. So if she's okay, we'll call her and ask her if she wants to fly here with Simon and stay with us for a while. Then when she gets here, we need to make her feel loved because obviously that's not something she feels at home."

"Good plan Ash. I think this will work!" Michael says.

"What if she's already dead?" Niall asks in a scared tone.

"We just have to have hope."
Zayn says.

Everyone sits down in the living room, staring into space, waiting for the phone to ring.
(still Ashton's POV)

While we were waiting for Simon to call back, we checked Twitter to see if anyone knew anything yet. Michael sent out a tweet letting everyone know what's happening for her. Millions of people started talking about it, using the hashtag #GetBetterSophie .

After 2 hours of waiting, Simon's name appears in my screen. I quickly pick up the phone. The boys crowd around me.

"Hi Simon. You're on speaker. Is she okay?"

"Well, I went to the house. At first, no one answered. I finally had to kick the door down, which is something I don't normally do. I walked through the house. When I reached her room, I opened the door and walked around, not being able to find her. When I did find her, she was passed out on the bathroom floor with an empty bottle of pills on the counter. There were a lot on the floor surrounding her. My first instinct was to try to pump her stomach. Then I realized I wasn't a doctor. So I picked her up and threw her in my car-"

"You THREW her??"
I ask.

"Yes. Then blood started pouring out of her mouth. So I drove the the nearest hospital and took her from me. About an hour later a nurse came out. She told me the the girl almost died because of all the pills and since her body was shutting down and I threw her in the car, that didn't help. They had to pump her stomach to get all the pills out of her system. She's currently resting in the ICU. She's gonna be fine. I promise."
Simon finishes up.

I hope he's right.
happy birthday Harry!!
Sorry for the slow updates! Byeee

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