Technoblade x Reader

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Part 1.  Fluff and a slight lime I guess?

"technoooooo, come onnnnn. Please??" I whine a little as my best friend drives past the mall on our way to eat. There's this cute lingerie set that I want to get but he doesn't need to know that.

"I've already told you, we can go after we eat.... maybe" he chuckles that stupid adorable little laugh of his. He grins a little and looks at me then back at the road. He knows that if he lets me go in there we'll be there for about 2 hours.

I sit back in my seat and look out the passenger window, thinking about how techno would react to me wearing that lingerie set. I hate admitting I have sexual thoughts about my best friend but sometimes I feel like he does as well. When he drives he puts his hand on my thigh, which is where it is now. Almost as if he's testing my limits on what I would let him do. I mean in all honesty, I would let him fuck me in this car right here right now.

I get out of my thoughts whenever I realize we pulled up to the restaurant. My face a little red and I'm a little turned on from the previous thoughts so I push my thighs together to relive myself of some pressure before exiting the car.

We walk inside and sit at a booth.  We order our drinks and food and wait patiently.  I look up at the tall handsome guy across from me, my thoughts start to wonder back to what he could do to me.  His brown eyes staring down at his drink not noticing mine on him.

After looking at his features for a bit longer I get snapped back to reality by techno waving his hand in front of my face.

"y/n? You good? You left for a few minutes and stared at me. Is there something on my face?"  He chuckles a bit, his deep monotone voice sending shivers down my skin giving me goosebumps.

"huh? Oh, uh no there's nothing on your face don't worry."  I look down at my hands in my lap and feel a bit embarrassed.  I can feel my face getting hot and I hope he doesn't notice the redness spreading across my cheeks.

As techno was about to say something our food comes to our table and we silently eat.  It's not an awkward silence but more comfortable. We just enjoy the others company. 

Once we get done, techno goes to pay the bill.  I stand up and lean over to put some money under a plate for the waiter as a tip.  When I stand up, I turn around and techno is right behind me.  Our faces not far apart.  He looks up at me with a slight pink on his cheeks.  Oh how I want to kiss him right now.

"oh uh sorry. I didn't mean to uh.. Yeah. Anyway, wanna head to the mall?"  he scratches the back of his neck and stands off to the side, putting his hand out to gesture to the door. 

I smile and nod. We get into the car, techno starts it and puts his hand on my thigh.  He runs his hand up and down every now and then making me push my thighs together.  I glance at him for a second and I swear I could see him smirking.

"hey techno?"  maybe I could just ask him if he likes someone.. Give me some idea if I have a shot or not.

"yeah?"  he looks at me then back at the road. The malls only a few minutes away so I better make this quick.

"do you like anyone? I mean I know you don't really date but, I don't know.. You gotta have eyes on someone. Right?"  He's not the type of guy to go around and date a bunch of girls. I mean when we were in highschool he barely made an effort to talk to any one else other than me and some of his guy friends.

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