Dream x Reader

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Y/n pov

My amazing boyfriend Clay has decided to take me to Disney.  I've never been there but I'm so excited to spend time with him. 

With us already living in Florida it doesn't take too long to get there.  We just talk about what he wants me to try and what he'll think I'll like.  He knows I love roller coasters.

When we get there I act like a little kid and start running around, mouth open and smiling widely.

"CLAY!  It's amazing!! Thank you so much for taking me here! I love you so much!" I tell him as I come back to where he was standing.  Still looking around then back at him.

"I love you too baby. Now, let's go ride some rides!"  he smiles at me, kisses my forehead and takes me by my hand.  We intertwine our fingers and walk to our first ride.

After a few hours of riding around, the sun starts to set.

"Hey babe? Wanna go grab some ice cream or something?"  he asks me and obviously I agree.  Who wouldn't want ice cream?

We grab our sweet treats and head over to an area we can watch the sunset. I notice clay keeps looking at his watch.

"Something important you gonna miss?" I ask him while giggling.

"Actually yes... And it's time for that important thing too."  he looks me in the eyes, he's blushing like crazy and seems very nervous.

"Clay what's going on?"  I ask him confused and he just smiles.

"y/n.. We've been together for over a year now.  And it has been the most exciting, terrifying, joy filled year of my life.  All because of you."  he grabs my hands in his and just smiles at me.

Is he...?  No.. Surely he isn't..


"No no.. Let me finish.  I want you in my life forever.  I love you so much.  I couldn't imagine a future nor a life without you in it.  With that being said.."  he gets down on one knee.  Pulls a box out of his jean pockets.

I put my hands over my mouth. I'm crying tears of happiness.  He's actually doing it.

"Will you do me the honors and make me the luckiest man alive and marry me?"  he asks, opening the box to show a beautiful diamond ring.  Nothing too big and fancy.  A small stone.  Something simple.. Just how I like it.

Everyone around us is recording.  Waiting for my answer. 

"Clay... Of course I will!!"  I say and he stands up kissing me.  Just then fireworks go off.  The whole world stops.  It's just him and I.  Together. 

We pull away. Everyone cheering and saying congratulations.  He puts the ring on my ring finger and smiles at me.

"So that's what the whole watch thing was for huh?" I laugh and he smiles and shakes his head.

"Yeahh.. I wanted it to be perfect. I was just afraid you'd say no."  he says looking down then back at me.

"Baby.. I love you so much.  How could I say no to you?" I put one hand on his neck and the other in his hair and pull him in for another kiss as the fireworks continue to go off.

I will never forget this amazing night where the love of my life proposed to me.

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