Quackity x Reader

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I'm Karl's younger sister. Not by much though, only a year. I live with him because I don't want to live alone. One day he tells me he has a friend coming over named quackity. I knew who he was because I watch Karl's streams all the time. I personally thought quackity was hot. But Karl didn't need to know that.

A few days later, quackity and Karl are in the living room laughing and having fun. I've just been up in my room giving them time to chill and hang out. I decided to go grab a glass of water from the kitchen and see what they were up to. As I walked down the steps I could hear my brother's ridiculous laugh mixed with quackitys loud one. I grab a glass from the cupboard and start to fill it up until I see quackity walk into the kitchen and stand next to me.

"hey y/n, you look hot." he's looking me up and down. Wtf, is he really trying to hit on me right now? I mean I'm just wearing some simple shorts and a hoodie. (or whatever you wanna wear is fine)

"you're not so bad yourself." I look at his arms and down to his hands. Damn, those would look pretty good around my- no wait stop. You can't think like that. This is your brother's friend. Who's extremely attractive..

"y/n? You ok?" he waves his hand in front of my face. I shake my head and look back at his face.

"huh? Oh sorry, I must've zoned out a bit" I scratch the back of my neck and look away. I put the glass on the counter next to me. Quackity puts his hands on my waist and pushes my back against the counter

"ya know, Karl has to go with his brother for a while to do something which leaves you and I alone. What would you like to do?" I'm slightly startled by the sudden change in position. I mean I don't mind it but holy shit was this hot. I have to get out of here. Karl can't see us like this.

"uh we can do whatever but right now I'm gonna go get ready for the day." with that I get out of his grip and run back up the stairs. I get into my room and shut the door. I can feel the heat from my face go down to my lower abdomen making me want more of what quackity was offering. I knew I couldn't really have him but I could at least substitute.

I walk to my bed and lay down trying to get what just happened off my mind. When I realize nothing is working I start to put my hand on my stomach. I think of how close he was to me. His hand on my waist, the hungry look in his eyes.. It isn't till I hear the front door shut that I realize my hand is now on my clit rubbing in slow circles thinking of the man downstairs doing things to me. I start to slightly moan quackitys name. My hand travels to my entrance and I tease myself with my fingers. My other hand gripping the bedsheets. I hear the door squeak and when I look over I see quackity smirking.

I quickly remove my hand and sit up. My face red from embarrassment.

"quackity! I uh.. I didn't see you there. I'm sorry-"

"you talk way too much. Do you want me to help you or not?" he's still smirking. He closes my door and locks it and slowly starts to walk to my bed. I stare at the man in front of me.

"y-yes please." it comes out more like a pathetic whimper. He takes his shirt off and gets on top of me.

"what was that darling?"

"yes- yes sir." he smirks again at his name while removing my hoodie and bra.

"good girl" he starts to unbuckle his pants and slide them off. He is not wasting any time.

"if we didn't have a time limit I would definitely take my time. But since your brother will be back in about an hour, we better make this quick."

With that I get turned on. This man is literally about to rail me, within an hour. Oh shit

He's in his boxers now and taking off my shorts. When I'm fully exposed I try to cover myself until he grabs both my hands with one of his and uses his belt to tie my hands to the bed frame. I whimper at how hot this man is being right now.

"don't worry kitten. It'll come off soon. But not until I get Started" he brings his face closer to mine and whispers in my ear.

"I assume you're stretched? But if not I'll go slow at first. I make no promises that I'll be gentle after that." I whine at his words. His voice is deep and stern. His hot breath sending shivers down my spine to my core instantly, causing me to squirm under him. He chuckles and takes off his boxers revealing his length. My eyes widen. I did not expect this man to be packing so much.

He sees my worry and looks back up at me. He leans down and kisses me. Passionate yet lustful. I kiss back with the same energy. I feel him adjust and line up to my entrance. He slowly and gently pushes in, not wanting to cause me pain. I whine at the feeling of him stretching my insides. He's halfway in when I wince. He stops and continues to kiss my cheek and neck. Small kisses to show he cares. After a few minutes of this I start to squirm again as a sign for him to keep going. He pulls out all the way and pushes in a little more after each thrust. I start to gasp and moan as I realize how deep he really is.

After a while he starts to pick up his pace even more and starts to thrust harder into me. Making him go deeper until he is fully inside. I'm I complete mess underneath him and moan as he pounds into me. He puts my hand on my stomach and leans down to my ear again.

"You feel that? That's me fucking your insides up and making you feel amazing." I feel I slight bulge in my lower abdomen as he says this and moan out even louder.

He unties his belt from my wrists. I put my hands on his back and start to give him something that he'll definitely feel later on. As I leave marks from my nails he moans. He's loving the attention.

"aaagh~ Right there!" I yell out as he hits my g-spot causing me to clench my walls around him.

"Ho-holy shit~ do that again." He continues to abuse my insides as I clench around him everytime he thrusts in. One hand is gripping my waist and the other finds its way to my neck.

"I- I'm gonna- oh god!" My eyes roll into the back of my head as he slams into me all the way.

"me too kitten!" after a few more thrusts he bottoms out all the way inside of me, exploding inside. As I feel him release inside of me I come as well. Seeing white dots for a minute as I have my most extreme orgasm ever. He collapsed on my chest still inside of me. We're both panting and gasping for air. Our bodies a sweaty mess. He gets up and pulls out making me whine from overstimulation.

"come on, let's go shower before your brother gets home."

"TOO LATE" we both look at the door and realize Karl is right outside of my room, the doors shut. We look at each other and stifle a laugh and go shower. Guess we'll deal with him later.

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