George x Reader

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Tell me you love me

George and I have been dating for over a year now. But lately it seems like he's been avoiding me.

One day after work I come I've to our apartment to him yelling at dream and sapnap like usual.. great, another night by myself.

I walk into his office and wait for him to notice me. It takes a good few minutes before he sees me.

"Oh, hey y/n I didn't see you there. Need something?" He says looking back at his monitor.

"I was wondering if you wanted to to watch a movie or something tonight? Just us?" I ask him. I miss him.. we never get to be us anymore.

"Yeah sure, give me a bit though. I'm going to finish this manhunt." He tells me still looking at his monitor.

"Yay! I can't wait. See you in a bit baby!" I tell him smiling and heading towards our living room. I'm happy I'll finally get to hangout with my boyfriend.

*2 hours later*

I got tired of waiting and head back to George's room. He's smiling and laughing at his monitor so I assume he's still playing with the others.

"Are you almost done baby?" I ask him.

"Oh sorry, I forgot about the movie. Can we do it tomorrow night?" He's doesn't even look at me while saying this.

Tears come to my eyes as I feel like I'm not important to him anymore.

"sure." I tell him. He looks at me and smiles. But as soon as he looks at my face his smile disappears.

"What's wrong love??" He asks me while muting his mic.

"it's fine. Just play with the boys. I'll be in our room." With that I leave his room. I hear him tell his friends goodbye.

I sit down on our bed and start crying. Why doesn't he love me anymore? Did I do something? Am I really just not important to him?

I look at the door as it opens. George looks concerned yet I see guilt in his eyes.

"What's wrong? Have I done something? Has someone hurt you?" He sits next to me putting his hand on my back rubbing up and down.

"do you love me still?" I ask him.

"Of course! Where is this coming from?" He's looking me in the eyes. Those beautiful brown eyes of his.

"You never spend time with me anymore! You're ALWAYS with the guys in your computer. It seems like you don't need me anymore.." I snap at him and stand up. I can't handle it. I need to hear him say he loves me. It's selfish but i just need to hear him say it.

"Love, I'm so sorry. I didn't know you felt like this. What can I do to make it up to you?" He stands up in front of me. He may be only 5'9 but he's still taller than I am.

"I love you George. Please, just tell me you love me George." I say as I'm still crying.

"Y/n... I have loved you long before you were mine. I will always be in love with you. You're absolutely beautiful and I'm sorry that I got caught up with the streaming and everything. I'll take a break and spend time with you. I'm so sorry that I made you feel like this." He says this and puts his hands on the sides of my face getting closer to me.

"Thank you. I'm sorry I got upset." I look down at my feet feeling stupid that I let my feelings get the better of me.

He put his hand on my chin making me look at him.
I look him in the eyes and blush. He seems to tower over me as he smiles and moves closer to my face.

"It's alright babe, it's my fault. Forgive me?" he asks and kisses me. I kiss back melting at the touch. I've missed him. I've missed us.

He pulls away and smiles at me. He puts his forehead on Mine.

"so.... How about that movie?" he giggles which makes me smile.

I know we'll be alright. We always work it out.

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