
151 11 13

"try to smile" donghyuck whispered over to mark. they were currently walking around the mall and people were giving stares.

"what no-"

"if you want people to stop staring at us like we're crazy, then try to... look more pleasing... you have a really bad resting face."

"how do i look pleasing!"

"just stop looking mad as fuck!!.. hey look! my favorite store! i love to shop here" donghyuck pulled him to a store.

"what is this-"

"look over here is for mens clothing... go try to find yourself something." donghyuck left to go find something for mark as mark did for himself.

he looked at the place and had a disgusted face.

i dont like this place... too aesthetic...

"look mark, i found some stuff for you! come on try it on." donghyuck pushed mark to the dressing rooms.

mark took a look at the clothes and shook his head.

"yeah no... this is not-"

"shut up and just try it on." donghyuck said and mark groaned. he waited outside as mark tried on some of the clothes.

after a minute, mark opened the stall.

"ooo, white looks very nice on you." donghyuck smiled and mark had a neutral reaction. he was wearing a white pullover with brown corduroy pants.

"its... not bad" mark admitted

"SEE, its a nice outfit. ill buy it!"

"wait i thought you didnt have money?" mark asked.

"well, ill always have money for clothes. anyway lets go shop for more!!"


after a whole 3 hours, they only managed to find 2 outfits and scare off 1 cashier so its a win in their eyes.

"hmm that wasn't so bad now was it." donghyuck said as mark drove them back home.

"eh... more or less."

"see! you need to get out more. theres a lot of fun stuff we can do. like go the amusement park, the beach, or go clubbing!"

"woah clubbing? okay 'princess', i didnt know you went clubbing."

"okay beast, calm down. im not all innocent alright. ive got some freak in me." donghyuck confessed, with a smug look.

"yeah right, id like to see it."

"okay then... maybe one day."


they both arrived home and it was almost 8 pm. they sat down their bags and plopped themselves on the couch.

"man that was tiring!" donghyuck said, head back on the couch ledge. mark hummed in response.

"we should blow off some steam or something. maybe go... to the club!!" donghyuck jumped up, suddenly getting a burst of energy.

"oh god... i mean sure. i could use a few drinks." once the older agreed, donghyuck pulled his arm leaving to go to a nearby club.


"hmm ill have some tequila" the younger ordered.

"ill have the same." mark said and the bartender nodded.

"so isn't it cool here! i love to come here." the bartender came back with the drinks and handed it to them.

"im surprised you know about this place, its pretty underground." mark said as he drank his drink .

"well my friend jeno brought me here once and yeah, been going here ever since." donghyuck took a sip of his drink, feeling the sharp taste in his throat. "woah, this is strong." he said as he set his drink down, cringing at the taste.

mark decided the tease him a little.

"hmm looks like freaky princess here cant handle some tequila." mark raised an eyebrow, giving a smug look.

"what! of course i can handle it. you just watch mark lee. i bet you cant do the same yourself."

"you're on"

a few drinks later... 😅

"i win whore!!" mark flipped donghyuck off who had his head on the table.

"oh fuck you.." the drunk boy said. mark kept laughing as he was also very much drunk.

suddenly a song started playing and donghyuck propped himself up.

"oh shit! this is a good song lets go dance!" donghyuck grabbed marks arm and pulled him to the dance floor.

they both started dancing together. oh how drunk they were but for once they were having a good time.

it was hazy for them but they were really close. they didn't take their eyes off each other. thats when things started going down... donghyuck put his arms on marks shoulders as they danced. and mark moved his hands downs very slowly, tracing his figure till he reached the youngers waist.

mark looked donghyuck up and down, taking in his bodily features. he bit his lip at the sight, and started guiding the boys hip against his as they moved together. donghyuck moved his hand around, feeling marks chest, abs and intertwined his fingers into his hair. it was getting really sensual!! 

mark thought donghyuck looked extremely hot. his hair was messy, cheeks were flushed, and he had this intense stare on mark that made him go crazy. he grabbed the youngers chin and little pulling him closer to his face.

"you look hot."

"i know."

their lips were extremely close but they wouldn't touch. donghyuck wanted to kiss him so bad but mark wouldn't let him. he ran his thumb against donghyucks bottom lip from time to time.

just as the tension became stronger, thats when jeno and jaemin found them.

"donghyuck?" jeno called out and donghyuck turned to see jeno and jaemin standing in front of them who were confused as to what they were seeing. 

"oh hey jeno!!" donghyuck said very drunkenly and stumbled his way over. "this is mark!! the guy i was telling you about."

"how many drinks did you have.." jaemin said concerned.

"hmm 10... ten million!!" donghyuck giggled. "anyways mark lets go." he grabbed marks arm pulling him away.

"wait you guys cant walk like this. we'll take u home."

and so, with two drunk HEATED boys, jeno and jaemin safely returned them back home.


chile... JFEHJF

im so sorry about the wait, i was just so busy :( hoped u liked the chapters 😅

merry late christmas!!

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