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it was morning. both boys woke up with a throbbing headache.

"oh my god.. my head is killing me." mark groaned.

"yeah me too..."

mark looked over at donghyuck and donghyuck looked over at mark. 


it only took a few seconds to realize they were on the same bed. 

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!" mark yelled. donghyuck cringed at how loud his voice was.

"hey! keep it down, my head is pounding like a mad man. but I DONT KNOW! what the fuck happened last night." donghyuck quickly got up from marks bed. their hair were messy and the sheets were a mess. thats when donghyuck saw his shirt on the ground.

he was shirtless. so was mark.

"IM SHIRTLESS- SO ARE YOU." donghyuck yelled.

"WHAT- OH MY GOD." they were both yelling despite their horrible headache. the younger rubbed his neck only to feel a small ounce of pain. donghyuck ran to the mirror and saw a red spot on his neck. he looked at mark who was freaking out once he knew what was on his neck.

"did i- did i give you that- oh god what the fuck happened last night." mark exclaimed.

soon they were trying to remember everything that happened last night. and when they did they were blushing furiously.

"oh god.." mark remembered everything. he remembered dancing with hyuck and not just regular dancing. you guys know!! when they got home and.. oh how red marks face was. 

the same thing with other boy. he remembered everything he was feeling. the tension. the touch. marks touch. it made him go crazy.

"okay okay okay-" donghyuck said nervously. "im just gonna go..." the younger grabbed his shirt, ran out pass mark and locked himself in the bathroom.

donghyuck closed the door and let out a big breath after holding it in for so long. he turned his body to the mirror and saw the hickey placed on his neck.

mark.. gave me this- we were just really drunk right? we didn't have control over our actions... its fine... its fine

donghyuck put his shirt back on and sighed. he thought he would just chill in the bathroom and rethink this through even with his throbbing headache.


its been a couple hours. mark and donghyuck distanced themselves all day. the aroma was just plain awkward. every now and then, they would come out to eat something. still very awkward.

donghyuck decided to call jeno after remembering he was the one who took them home. he waited for his friend to answer his call.


"hyuck! are you feeling better? you were really drunk last night." jeno laughed a little.

"yeah yeah.. uh about that. what happened?" donghyuck began biting his nails as a nervous habit. 

"well, jaemin and i found you guys and we took you guys home in our car. are you guys dating? in the car, you guys were flirting with each other a lot and laughing over stupid shit. it was pretty funny." 

"FLIRTING-" donghyuck couldn't believe it.

"YEAH and then you guys locked yourselves in... marks(?) room i think and we quickly left cause you guys... you know." 

"oh god.. no jeno, we're not dating. i dont even know why.. what im so confused."

"dont worry about it, you guys were drunk so it was just yall fooling around.. unless" jeno teased and donghyuck whined. "do you like him?"

"NO! thats a.. thats a stupid question how could i like mark... hes only my friend." 

"well whatever you say. i think you guys look cute together though, jaemin also agrees. you know, the princess needs her beast. ooo like beauty and the beast!!"

"oh shut up! im sure mark doesn't like me.. it was just the heat of the moment."

"uh huh sure. but you do know a drunken mans words are a sober mans thoughts," jeno said. "well im gonna go. good luck sorting that out!!"

"yeah.. bye jeno!" donghyuck hanged up and sighed. he was still in the bathroom since he was too afraid to make contact with mark. though its probably best for him to go clear up the air. 

mark heard a knock on his door and donghyuck spoke.

"hey uh mark.. can i come in."

mark hesitated. "yeah"

he walked in and closed the door behind him. mark was just laying on his bed, scrolling through his phone. donghyuck sighed and sat down on his bed.

"look... i think we should just forget all of this happened and move on. plus we were really drunk, im sure it meant nothing."

mark hesitated to answer. he didnt know why he hesitated. he definitely felt something last night but he was just confused. he didnt even know if he liked guys.. maybe he was bi??

"uh yeah.. yeah it meant nothing." 

"okay then now that we've cleared that up, im gonna make dinner.. ill call you when its ready." with that, donghyuck left and headed to the kitchen. he thought of making ramen since he was best at it. 

as he cooked, he thought of what mark said. "it meant nothing". donghyuck didnt know why it hurt him since he was the one who said it didnt mean anything.

his conscious was hoping mark would say no.. it did mean something.


"mark! its ready!" donghyuck called out and eventually mark came out of his room. 

"woah.. it smells good." mark sat down and awaited for his dinner. 

"yeah.. it's one of my best meals to cook." donghyuck set down marks place and his. they both dug into their meal and needless to say it was very tasty.

though the whole time they were eating, it was quiet. They didn't speak to each other. Mark finished his food first but waited for donghyuck to finish his. mark couldn't help but stare at the red spot on the youngers neck. he still couldn't believe he did that. 

"i can see you staring." donghyuck said as he told his last bite of his ramen. mark quickly looked away embarrassed. the younger couldn't help but let out a little laugh. he took marks and his bowl over to the sink. 

"i dont know how to get rid of it.. kinda embarrassing lol. ive never had a hickey." donghyuck admitted and mark was a bit shocked. 

"woah you're telling me the beauty of this town has never... hooked up with anyone."

"yeah.. i dont know, i never really had feelings for anyone. been independent for a while."

"how odd. well thanks for the food donghyuck.. im gonna go to bed, goodnight." mark left to his room where he enclosed himself in again. the boy in the kitchen sighed. 

he was glad it wasn't as awkward as he thought it would be. he went over to the couch which is where he slept every night. he didn't know why but he was questioning his feelings for mark.

many thoughts clouded his mind. it all came down to what happened yesterday. despite being drunk, was he being real with mark? does donghyuck actually... like mark?

a drunken man's words are a sober man's thoughts...

donghyuck remembered when mark called him.. hot? the younger covered his red face at the thought of mark saying that to him. he squealed and covered himself in his blanket.

and thus he thought about his feelings all night.


hii happy new years my loves <3

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