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with his head down, hands in pocket, mark walked down the streets of seoul, looking for the convenience store to buy some food. it was very rare to see him go out but the boy is living off of ramen and he ran out. so he had no other choice but to get his lazy ass up and go out.

on his way back home, he saw the nasty stares the people gave him from his peripheral vision. as time went on, he learned to just deal with it maybe give them one back if he felt like it. though today was not that day. he doesn't want to live his life like this. he never asked for life to be like this. it was given to him. and to be completely honest, he hated it. they saw a guy with no decency. a boy with no soul. 

after his mother died when he was just a little boy, his father turned into a different person. he taught mark what was right, wrong. he cried every night, wanting to see his mother again and for someone to hold him. but he had no one. 

he stayed a little boy with no mommy 

as he reached of age, he shut everyone away. the only way they stopped worrying about him, was to scare them. slowly, he became a mischievous boy and was called the "beast". though one boy was never scared of mark.

lee donghyuck, who was born with such a beautiful face and a beautiful personality, had no reason to be scared of mark. in fact, he wanted to be friends with him. he wanted what's best for mark in so many possible ways because of his trauma. he tried to comfort mark for years but would end up getting scolded by the older and then he would try again the next day. after a while, mark just got used to donghyuck and just had to accept the fact that he wasn't gonna stop.

he never admitted it but deep down, there was something about donghyuck that-

"mark lee? is out buying groceries?" mark came back from his head and looked beside him to see donghyuck, with a smile on his face. mark rolled his eyes and ignored him.

"why the long face?" the boy asked. mark seemed extra sad today.

"i'm always like this?"

"yeah... but you seem extra down today. are you okay?" mark who was scrummaging through his pockets to find his keys, sighed.

"yeah... well no, i just feel- wait why am I telling you this, ugh." mark used his keys to open the door.

"wait no! keep telling me. i'll listen!" donghyuck stopped the door before it was shut in his face by mark. donghyuck peeked his head through the small opening.

"no just leave me alone donghyuck." mark forced the door to close even with donghyuck fighting to keep it open. though mark was too strong for donghyuck and managed to close the door on him. "please... just go." mark said from the other side of the door while donghyuck sighed sadly. its rare to hear mark talk about his feelings and at one point you question if he even has feelings.

"i'm not leaving until you tell me whats going on. so i'm gonna sit right here and wait." donghyuck remarked and dropped to the floor with his back against the door crossing his arms.

mark "ughed" and walked to his kitchen, taking out the ramen packs in the bags. though at one point he stopped as he thought about donghyuck who was still behind his door. he was sure he wasn't gonna leave until he told him whats going on since hes so stubborn.

he took a peak at his door, seeing donghyucks shadow shine through the little space underneath the door.

"no, no. i cant let him in. ughh!" mark was losing his patience and began harshly stuffing the ramen in his cabinets. he stomped to his bedroom and plopped himself on the bed.

"you know, you might break the floor if u keep stomping around like that." donghyuck said loud enough so mark could hear him. not even a couple seconds later, he could hear donghyuck singing.

the older rolled his eyes and covered his ears, getting tired of the sound. all he wanted was peace and quiet. he walked back to his kitchen and prepared himself some ramen. even still, donghyuck wouldn't stop singing. thats when mark completely lost it and made his way to the door.

he flung it open, making the boy behind it stumble back a little and yelled, "i miss my mom! okay! i miss... my ... mom..." mark slowly began to quiet down, breathing heavily as he mentioned his mom out loud. donghyuck looked up the boy, he seemed on the brink of tears. he quickly got up and pouted.

"oh mark... is that whats this is about." donghyuck softly said, feeling his pain.

"yeah and you wouldn't know anything about this." mark closed the door but a hand stopped it from closing.

"actually i do." donghyuck admitted which caught marks attention. the boy continued, "my mom... she also died when i was young. i loved her so much and i still do. she was so beautiful, which is where i get my looks from." donghyuck giggled. "anyways i miss her so much. i miss her motherly touch. i miss her embraces and her little whispers in my ear telling me she loved me. and the one song she'll always sing to me at night to make me fall asleep. she had such a beautiful voice too." donghyuck smiled to himself, looking down as he fiddled with his hands. "you know, we all have people we once loved, lost. and we all suffer the same pain at one point in our lives. we get over it though. we let go. thats just how the world works..." donghyuck suddenly heard soft sniffles coming from mark. he instantly looked up to see mark covering his face while tears streamed down his cheeks.

"mark..." donghyuck slowly went to reach his hand out to place it on his shoulder. mark flinched from his touch and moved back.

"no i'm sorry. i cant do this here." as mark was just about to close the door, donghyuck stepped in an instant taking mark into a warm embrace.

mark froze at that moment as he felt a warm body be pressed against him and arms wrapped tight around his neck. this was a new feeling. he's never been hugged before. except for when his mother was alive. but never again was he hugged by someone.

"don't resist it... as much as you want to, let me comfort you. please." donghyuck softly said. mark wanted to get donghyuck off of him but at the same time he didn't. it felt like as if his mom was hugging him.

and once he was reminded of that, mark lost control and broke down again. he buried his face into donghyucks neck, wrapping his arms around the boys waist.

donghyuck was kinda shocked that the boy actually hugged him back. never in a million years would he have thought that would happen but it was. and he was gonna take in every moment of it.

donghyuck gently drew patterns on the crying boys back. he felt his neck get wetter by the second but he didn't care. what he did care about was mark. in years of being with him, he's never seen mark cry. he puts on a face to hide his true feelings.

"its okay mark... you're okay. i'm here." donghyuck softly whispered comforting messages in his ear, calming the boy down a bit.

his sobs quiet down and they just slowly rocked side to side in each others embrace. donghyuck broke the hug and mark wiped his dry tears.

"oh sorry... your neck.." mark apologized and donghyuck just wiped off the wet tears on his neck.

"don't worry about it... I think you should take a nap, you look tired." donghyuck suggested and mark nodded. he let mark walk back to his room to sleep. 

he might as well sleep on the couch as he was tired himself and could use a nap. he laid on the soft cushioned couch and slowly drifted off to sleep.


lol 😸



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