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mark woke up from the sun shining in his face. he squinted and tried to find his glasses from his bedside table. he stumbled to the kitchen still a bit half asleep, noticing a plate on his kitchen counter with a note. he furrowed his eyebrows and walked up to it. the note read:

made some breakfast for you. i hope u enjoy it! from donghyuck.

"donghyuck?" mark said then all the memories came washing back from last night. he covered his mouth in shock and groaned.

shit i broke yesterday and he was there...

he must have been shocked for sure. ive never cried at least in front of donghyuck. he fought with himself in his head for letting something like that happen. that until the delicious food right in front of him caught his eye. he heard his stomach growling so he just couldn't resist it.

he digged in, tasting every flavor in the food. hes been starving for a while so this helped him fulfill his needs. after finishing, he decides to chill not realizing hes waiting for a specific someone...


"no please! one more month, please. ill pay you! i need to pay all my student debts... please." donghyuck pleaded and begged to his landlord to let him keep the apartment.

"im sorry kid. i cant keep waiting. you're gonna have to be evicted, im sorry. you have 48 hours to find a place to stay." the landlord patted his shoulder and left. leaving a worried donghyuck alone.

hes getting evicted so basically now hes homeless. what am i gonna do. i cant move in with my dad because of his new wife. maybe i can ask my friends. he calls a potential giver that could let him stay over.

"hey jaemin!"

"hey donghyuck, how you doing!" his friend, na jaemin answering.

"um honestly not so good... im getting evicted so im gonna need a place to stay. could you let me... stay over until i can get a new apartment?"

"oh my, im sorry to hear that. but um i dont know donghyuck. jeno is usually over a lot and we-"

"yeah yeah, i know what you two be doing, dont have to explain yourself."

"yeah... im really sorry donghyuck."

"no its okay, ill see you later okay. bye!"

donghyuck ended the call and sighed. renjun is currently in china so he cant ask him. jisung and chenle are doing their own cute little thing so i wouldn't want to bother them.

he thought and he thought for his solution.

thats when a crazy idea popped in his head.


mark heard on a knock on his door and rolled his eyes. theres only one person that could be behind his door.

"mark! how are you on this fine day!" donghyuck said cheerfully and welcomed himself in.

"is it too late to say go away." the older bluntly responded.

"yes and you already know i wont. so heres the thing. i have something to ask you for and you may not like it but you're the only person i can come to so-"

"is it about yesterday? can we pretend that never happened."

"no its not, lets not think about that right now. anyway im getting kicked out of my apartment and i need a place to stay... so can i-"


"wait mark!" he followed the older as he left to his room.

"no im letting you stay here."

"mark please! i need to stay somewhere!" donghyuck got on his knees and begged, repeatedly saying "please". mark rubbed his face thinking of what he was gonna do.

"no donghyuck-"

"ill cook, ill clean, ill get the groceries ill do anything you ask of me just please! my friends aren't available, you're the only one." he said, looking up at the older with pleading eyes.

i mean if he'll cook and clean... mark thought to himself. i guess less work for me!

"hmm...fine! you can stay here but under the condition that you must do what i say or else you're going to the streets." donghyuck smiled and jumped up, hugging the older. mark stumbled back and rolled his eyes.

"yes ill do anything! thank you!"

"new rule: don't hug me ever again. get off of me." mark pushed the younger off.

"oh okay sorry."

"um i dont have another room.. youre gonna have to sleep on the couch." donghyuck nodded and gave a small smile.

"yes thats completely fine! thanks mark, you're the best! im gonna go get my stuff, ill be right back." donghyuck scooted pass mark and left to gather his stuff from his old apartment.

once mark shut the door for donghyuck, he realized what he just did.

oh fuck... 


dont worry there's more chapters sorry for this short one </3

𝐁𝐄𝐀𝐔𝐓𝐘 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐁𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐓 ☾ 𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐊𝐇𝐘𝐔𝐂𝐊Where stories live. Discover now