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"markk!!" donghyuck called out. "mark?.. helloo" his words ringed through the apartment. when the younger woke up, he found that mark wasn't in his room nor in any part of the house. he started to get a little worried so he decided to call him.

the phone rang for a bit until a voice spoke.


"mark! where r u?"

"oh.. im at the gym"

"the gym?? oh really.. sorry i just got worried i didn't know where you went"

"my bad" mark let out a small chuckle. "ill be home in a few"

"okay, see you then"

donghyuck hung up and waited for mark to get back home. about half an hour passed and he hears the door unlock.

"hey-" donghyuck stops in his track at the sight of.. whatever he was seeing. mark shirtless, with sweat dripping down everywhere and hair tied up in a small bun.

holy shit

"oh shit i thought you wouldn't see me GO AWAY" mark yelled and donghyuck snapped out of his trance. he profusely blushed and turned away so he wasn't looking anymore.

the younger heard marks door shut and he turned back around. "oh my god... i gotta tell jaemin." he quickly takes him phones out and dials his friends number. eventually, he picks up.

"JAEMIN... wait jaemin" he realized he was being loud and quickly whispered.


"man.. mark just came back from the gym and he was shirtless!!! i cant lie my friend.. he looked really good.."

"ooo i knew it. you like him!!"

"uhh... i guess i find him attractive but i don't know if i like him? you know?" he rubs his arms as he thinks.

"i think you do i mean havent you two known each other for so long?!"

"yeah but he was always mean to me. i only forced him to be friends with me"

jaemin sighs. "i believe the answer is right in front of you. you'll figure it out."

"what if i make him uncomfortable though. i dont- oh shit marks coming back, i gotta go. bye jaemin" he hangs up abruptly without allowing his friend to say bye back.

he quickly sits on the couch and turns the tv, making it seem like he was minding his business. mark walks in and clears his throat to grab the youngers attention. hyuck looks over to see that he had showered in the time he was talking to jaemin.

"what are we watching princess" mark teased as he sat down next to him. donghyuck sneered and hit him on his arm.

"dont call me that!" though he cant lie, it did make him feel a little giddy.

"what!! but you are. ask the public!"

"well.. alright you got me but speaking of the public, lets go out. we have yet to improve your skills. plus we can show the world the new outfits i bought for you" donghyuck gave him a big cheesy smile.

mark groaned. "do we have to.. i just got here."

"you're the one who complied to our agreement so i don't care." donghyuck grabbed the olders arm, yanking him off the couch and brought him to his room. he took out the clothes he bought the other day and laid them out for mark.

"come on quickly change and ill be outside. you got 5 minutes." after that, donghyuck left the apartment and waited outside for mark.

something seemed off. as they were walking, donghyuck noticed a lot of girls looking in marks direction. smiling and giggling and waving hi.

out of marks confusion and obliviousness, he would awkwardly say hi back. usually, donghyuck was the one with all the girls fawning over him. he couldnt help but get a little jealous.

as they were approaching another group of girls, they stopped mark and all huddled around him. mark was confused and shyly said thank you to their compliments. donghyuck who was angered at this point pushed them away and grabbed him out the circle.

"hey! dont huddle the poor man. shoo shoo go away! go find some other man to drool over!" the group of girls gave him a disgusted look and said whatever.

"hmph lets go mark," donghyuck then began walking while mark stood there dumbfounded. he ran to catch up who was already so far away.



"you know if i didn't know any better, i cant help but notice that you're a little jealous" mark said with a smirk.

"what?!? me? jealous? aint no way. girls do it all the time, its annoying."

"oh really? and how would you know"

"im telling you the girls love me. they do it to me all the time."

"and yet, you've never hooked up with any."

donghyuck gasped. "hey! shut the fuck up! like you get any bitches either."

"well apparently that wasn't the case the other night"  mark said with a smug look in his face. he saw the youngers face got all red.

"oh fuck you"

hey... hey.. how yall doing.. 😅

i kinda just wrote this out the blue
last i updated was a year ago 💀 my b
i don't remember where i was going with this story 😹
enjoy ig

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