Chapter 4

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Ok so I realized that I didn't describe Swiftkit. The picture in the media is what he looks like. So enjoy!

Swiftkit's POV

"Come on guys! It's almost time for the apprentice ceromony!" Mosskit bounced around the nursery. Today her and her littermates were finally going to be apprentices.

Russetkit dragged herself out of the nest her fur sticking up and clumping together. "Why do we have to get up so early though?" She complained.

Swiftkit was sitting by the entrance already groomed and ready for the day. "Your going to be getting up at dawn now, so it will do you good to get up a little earlier." He rolled his eyes and looked out over camp. He spotted Brakenfur and Graystripe by the freshkill pile talking. "Who do you think our mentors will be?"

Snowkit looked up. He was trying to get Russetkit out of the nest. "I'm sure however Bramblestar picks for us we'll be happy with."

"I hope I get Cherryfall! She is one of the best trackers in Thunderclan, next to Cloudtail of course." Mosskit chimed in.

"Why do you want Cherryfall? Molewhisker is a better tunneler then   her." Russetkit was now fully awake and sitting up.

Swiftkit remembered back when the clan had started using the tunnels again. It was just after leafbare and he was 2 moons old. Bramblestar had decided that if they could learn how to use the tunnels underground properly then they wouldn't be so dangerous any more. Since then all of Thunderclan had used them to hunt and store prey in them.

I don't really care who I get I just want to be able to have freedom. Swiftkit thought. Ever since he could remember there had always been things holding him back from what he wanted to do. He always felt trapped and forced to do things. Now that he would be an apprentice all of that would change.

"Hello kits! Are you ready for your big day?" Squirrelflight had poked her head in interrupting Swiftkit from his thoughts. She wasn't really around as often as she use to when she was younger. All the time she was out hunting and patroling now.

The four kits bounded up to her and begged to go outside. "Ok! Ok! It's almost time. Come outside and wait."

Mosskit, Snowkit, and Russetkit followed their mother outside, but Swiftkit lagged back for a moment. He looked around the nursery. It certainly had changed over the past few moons. Blossomfall kits had grown up quite a bit and Daisy had announced that she was expecting Spiderleg's kits and just about 2 moons ago she had Spottedkit and Badgerkit. Spottedkit was a large golden brown she-cat with black leopardlike spots and a white spotted underbelly. Badgerkit was a large handsom brown tom. They both had amber eyes.

Whitewing had moved out because Darkpaw, Ashpaw, and Shrewpaw were all apprentices now. But they'll have to watch out because now I'm going to be an apprentice and they'll have a bit of a compatition.

Swiftkit ran after his family and found them outside. Snowkit and Mosskit were talking since they weren't aloud to mess up their fur and Russetkit was getting groomed. "Aw come on Squirrelflight! I'm going to get it dirty right after the ceremony, so why do you need to clean it?" She complained.

"You don't want all of the clan seeing you a mess, then they'll think you always look like that." A voice mewed behind them.

Swiftkit turned around and saw Bramblestar, his father. He bounded up to him. "Hi Bramblestar! When are we going get out mentors?" He asked.

He looked around. "Right now." He jumped up onto highledge and called a meeting. Every at gathered around and Russetkit had just finished getting groomed.

"Ok, just remember what you need to do and you'll be all right." She nudged them towards the front then sat next to Cinderheart and Poppyfrost.

Swiftkit faced forward and started listening to Bramblestar. "We are gathered here for a very importent occasion. Four of our kits have reached six moons! Mosskit step forward."

Mosskit jumped to her paws and scampered to her father. "Until she earns her warrior name this cat will be known as Mosspaw. Brackenfur I know you will pass all your knowledge and skills onto this young apprentice."

The same thing happened with Russetpaw and Snowpaw, but their mentors were Lionblaze and Brightheart.

Finally it was Swiftkit's turn. "Swiftkitkit you shall now be known as Swiftpaw until you've completed you warrior training. Stormcloud, even though you are young and still new to the clan you will mentor Swiftpaw. I expect you to pass all you've learned onto him." Swiftpaw stepped towards the gray tabby tom and touched noses with him. "I know that I don't have as much expeeiance as Brackenfur, but I'll try my best to make you a great warrior." He whispered.

The clan cheered until Bramblestar quieted them down. "The gathering is in a few days, but I won't be able to take as many this time because it's still pretty flooded by the tree-bridge. Ok meeting over. Brackenfur meet me in my den after your done assigning patrols." Bramblestar whisked around and into his den. Squirrelflight climbed up to his den and followed him inside.

"So are you ready to see the territory?" Swiftpaw's attention was turned back to Stormcloud who was now joined by his littermates and their mentors. Swiftpaw nodded happily and followed them out of camp.

After a couple badgerlengths from the entrance to camp Brightheart suggested they split up. Russetpaw and Mosspaw went towards Shadowclan territory and Snowpaw and Swiftpaw went towards Windclan.

Swiftpaw took in everything around them as they walked. Tree leaves swished in the breeze. Birds called out their song to one another. The undergrowth rustled as they walked through it. He never knew how much he had missed out on while confined in camp.

Finally they reached the boarder. "Ok so here's the stream Thunderclan and Windclan share. Remember what their scent is. Windclan is known for..." Brightheart rambled on, but Swiftpaw's concentration on her was broken when he felt something nudge him in the side.

He looked to his left and saw Snowpaw with his paw half raised. "Look, somethings coming."

Swiftpaw looked over the hills of Windclan and saw three dark shapes coming towards them. "Stormcloud..." he interrupted Brightheart and pointed his tail behind them to the dark shapes.

Soon they got closer and closer until he could see there was a dark gray tom with a bundle of fur in his mouth. Beside him was gray and white she-cat and a small light gray tabby she-cat with blue eyes. They bounded up and Brightheart's fur began to bristle ever so slightly.

"Greetings Brightheart and Stormcloud and I see you have new apprentices." The gray tom meowed after setting the kit on the ground.

Brightheart slowly let her fur go down. "Hello Crowfeather. Yes, these are Bramblestar and Squirrelflight's kits Snowpaw and Swiftpaw."

Crowfeather examined them. "Well they certainly look like them. Especially Swiftpaw. Anyways I would like to speak to Bramblestar."

Brightheart looked wearily at him and the kit on the ground then at the two other cats. "What are Riverclan cats doing with you?"

"Petalfur and her apprentice, Slippaw, need to see Leafpool." Crowfether mewed.

The two cats stared at each other for what seemed like eternity. Swiftpaw looked at Slippaw. She seemed kind of nice. She felt a gaze on her and looked at the Thunderclan apprentice. Swiftpaw went red then turned away. Snowpaw noticed and almost fell over laughing, but had to keep calm until they were on the move again.

"Alright fine. We'll accompany you to our camp." Brightheart agreed.

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