Chapter 2

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Bramblestar's POV

Bramblestar was pacing nervously by the nursery. He could here shrieks coming from it. His mate, Squirrelflight, was kitting and she was a little older then most queens for their first time kitting.

"Bramblestar, why can't we go in there?" He turned around and saw Darkkit, one of Whitewing's kits. They had been born about half a moon eariler.

"Because Squirrelflight is kitting and youre too young to watch." He replied. "Isn't Birchfall suppose to be watching you?"

The little kit shuffled her paws, "Yes, but then he had to go on a patrol so he sent us to the elders den to hear a story, but I don't want to hear a story."

Bramblestar's eyes glittered with amusement even though he was anxious. "Darkkit, you need to stay-"

He was interrupted by Leafpool who poked her head out of the nursery. "Bramblestar, come meet your new kits!"

Suddenly he relized that it was quiet once again. He looked down and saw Darkkit still standing there. "Come on your mother's inside and she can take care of you now."

Darkkit skipped happily along side her leader as they entered the nursery. Inside the warm room it was dark and a milk scent that always lingered. "Darkkit what do you think you're doing I told you to stay with Birchfall..." he left them Whitwing to do her job.

Bramblestar looked around waiting for his eyes to get accustomed to the palce and spotted a dark ginger pelt. He hurried over to Squirrelflight. She looked up at him and purred her face shining with happiness. "I'm glad you could finally show up! Come meet our kits."

He sat down and licked the top of her head and gazed down at his kits. A white tom, a grey and white she-cat, a brownish ginger tom with light brown paws, and a light ginger she-cat with dark brown stripes and white paws and tail tip. "They're perfect. I'm so proud of you!" He murmured in her ear. "What should we name them?"

"Do you like Snowkit for the tom and Mosskit for the grey and white one?" She asked

"Yes, of course. How about Russetkit for the ginger one and Swiftkit for the last one?"


The mates lay by each other and stared at their kits with love in their eyes.


"How did this happen?" Yellowfang hissed.A group of three cats were staring down into the moonpool. It showed the image of four sleeping kits. "There were only suppose to be two how did they get two more? This will change the outcome of everything!"

"Yellowfang please calm down, I'm sure there's an explanation to this all." Cinderpelt mewed.

"How can I be calm if we didn't know this would happen? Mosskit and Snowkit were the only ones suppose to be born."

"Look, well find out soon, we just have to wait. It's not like anything's going to happen before then." Featherwhisker put in.

"What is going on? You do know that there's half moon right?" Three pairs of eyes whipped around and saw Jayfeather push his way through the bushes.

"I can't believe you would spy on us like that!" Yellowfang spat. "I guess I should've known better since you've done it before."

"I'm the one spying one you? I could hear you're entire conversation fox-lengths away!" He shot back. "Besides if you wanted no one to hear then you should've waited until after half moon!"

Featherwhisker interrupted,"He does have a fair point."

"I won't ask why you're talking about Bramblestar and Squirrelflight's kits right now, but I expect to know soon. Now if you'll excuse me I've got work to do." Jayfeather stalked off.

"Fine, well tell him later, but nobody will say anything to him until I do." Yellowfang growled.

The other cats nodded then they all went their separet ways.

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