Prologue Part 2

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The quiet surrounded Snowkit. Pressing on him his entire life.

It was a beautiful sunny day with hardly a cloud in the sky. Thunderclan camp was as busy as ever at sunhigh. Snowkit was in the nursury watching his denmates play out in the clearing. He was pretty sure their names were Bramblekit and Tawnykit, but he wasn't sure because he had never heard there names said properly. He knew that he heard things differently then all the other cats, but he didn't really care.

Snowkit ran over to his mother, Speckletail, and nudged her awake.         "What is it, Snowkit?" She asked. Snowkit pawed her leg and pointed his tail outside. The two cats had developed a kind of code that Snowkit used to communicate because he couldn't really speak well. "Do you want to go outside?" Snowkit nodded and Speckletail followed him outside.

Snowkit ran over to Bramblekit and Tawnykit. "Con ni play?" he asked.He couldn't talk right because he had never fully heard a cat speak.

Bramblekit looked skeptical, but before he could say anything Tawnykit interrupted, "Of course, we're playing Battle of Sunningrocks. You can be Thunderclan with me. Bramblekit is Riverclan, he's trying to take that group of pebbles over there," she gestured to a clump of small rocks.

Snowkit only heard about a quarter of what she said, but he got the basic idea. He looked over towards the warrior den and saw a golden brown tom watching him. He often saw the tom watching him from a distance.His mother got up and walked up to the strange cat mewing something. Weird, he thought then turned towards his den mates.

Bramblekit let out a loud caterwaul on the small rocks and hissed playfully at the two remaining kits. "You'll never get Sunningrocks! They'll belong to Riverclan's great leader Bramblestar forever!"

"Not if we have anything to do with it! Thunderclan attack!" Tawnypelt yowled.

Snowkit heard the yowl and darted forward toward the group of pebbles, but Bramblekit saw him out of the corner of his eye and pounced on him.

Snowkit let out a shriek of pain as he crumpled to the ground under Bramblekit's weight. Suddenly the tabby kit was lifted off of him. Looking around he saw a flame colored cat scolding Bramblekit and Tawnykit, while the bracken colored tom, his mother, and the medicine cat Cinderpelt came over.

Snowkit sighed. He knew what this was going to turn into. Whenever Cinderpelt got invloved, it took all day to clear up an incident, because his Speckletail argued with her a lot.

And just as he predicted they did, but not as long this time. Instead his mother walked a little ways off and sat down. Snowkit looked at her. It appeared she was saying something, but he couldn't tell what. Then Speckletail beckoned to him with her tail. Oh, he thought, Why didn't she just do that in the first palce?

Snowkit walked over to her and she stroked his head with her tail. After a few moments Speckletail nudged him around towards the flame colored tom. She gave Snowkit a push again and he walked over to the fire furred cat. He looked up at him and heard him saying something, but he couldn't tell what so he said,"It s'all right." The tom gave a confused look and went over to talk to Cinderpelt.

Snowkit looked over at his mother and saw she looked angry. He didn't really give it second thoughts and watched a moth in the air and tried to catch it. His paws flew in the air trying to pin the insect down and finish off his prey. Even though he was alone, Snowkit didn't mind, he sometimes liked to be alone.

Suddenly a dark shadow hovered over his head. He looked up and saw only a cloud. Snowkit lost interest in the moth and pounced on a piece of moss.

wosh of air rushed over his ears and then sharp, unforgiving talons pierced in to his back. Snowkit let out a squeal, but that seemed to only make the talons dig deeper into his pelt. He looked up and saw a brown hawk lifting him into the air. He looked back down and saw Speckletail launching herself into the sky and grabbing onto the mighty bird, but it was no use. The hawk threw his mother off and took off over the forest. Snowkit blacked out.

When he woke up darkness surrounded him. There in front of him was a tiny gray and white she-cat. "Hi Snowkit! My names Mosskit," the small cat said.

Snowkit had a million other questions, but when he completly heard what Mosskit said, only one question remained. "How can I hear you?" He asked.

"Oh yeah, about died when that hawk carried you off, but now you can hear correctly and be my friend! There aren't a lot of kits in Starclan that are only half a moon old," Mosskit looked nervously at him.

Snowkit stood there in shock. How could he be dead? Poor Speckletail, she must be devestated. He sat down taking it all in. Snowkit stayed like that for a while until he looked up and saw Mosskit still there. He smiled. She must be very kind if she stayed with me this long, Snowkit thought has he got up. "Well are we going? It would be awfully boring if we stayed here," he mewed.

Mosskit's eyes gleamed has she signaled him to follow her with her tail. "Starclan is so great! You're going to love it there. I can't wait for you to see it. We're going to have so much fun! ..." and the two kits continued to talk until they got to Starclan.

I know cheesy chapter ending, but I ran out of ideas for the end. Sorry XD. Anyways I'm planning on updating the next chapter within two days. I'm really busy with finals so I don't have much time to update. Sorry again.

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