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Ok so I know some of you have been asking if there are other cats that have come back from Starclan, like Ashpaw and Shrewpaw. I'm clarafing now that the only cats that came from Starclan are Mosspaw and Snowpaw.

Of course some cats are rencarnations of starclan and Dark Forest cats that have died. Like Squirrelflight. There are rumurs going around that Squirrelflight is the rencarnation of Scourge. Her one white paw symbalizes that Firestar and Scourge are half-brothers. So people think that Squirrelflight is the happier brighter side of Scourge.

This is not like the Cinderpelt/Cinderheart thing. Starclan gave Cinderpelt a second chance after she died. Her spirit was put into Cinderheart's body righ after she died and their spirits shared the same body. Once Cinderheart finally knew who she was Cinderpelt's spirit left to go join Starclan. She could've not been a rencarnation because Cinderpelt had never died in Starclan.

It has been confirmed by the Erins that the cats that die in Starclan and the Dark Forest are brought back as a different cat, with not the same exact personality, buts sometimes close to it.

I think this is what happens when a Starclan warrior dies, all they can see is black and the darkness. Slowly they start to forget who they are and where they came from till finally all they can remember is that they were a cat. Then Starclan sends them as a kit into a new life. Mosspaw and Snowpaw are not like this because they... well if I tell you it'll give away some stuff... XD

Anyways in my book there are some rencarnations of cats. Not all of them are. I will confirm one, but the rest you're just going to have to figuare out on your own or you're just going to have to wait until the book's over and then I'll announce the rencarnations and. things like that. So for the cat that is reincarnated is....

Swiftpaw is a reincarnation of...


Are you surprised? Well I'm not cause I already knew. XD but tell me what you think of that and if you have any questions about any of this, because I know it was confusing, in the comments. Thanks!

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