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Ok so I need some names for kits and I've decided to ask you guys! Congratulations!!! So if you want your cat to be in this book fill out the form below and place it in the comments. Only two kits per person and no names consisting of Moon, Star, Thunder, Shadow, River, Wind, or anything a cat hasn't heard of. I'll tell you if you've been accepted. And if you're the first one too comment you'll get the next chapter dedicated too you. Thanks everybody :D. I have enough kits for Blossomfall, please don't put anymore for her.

Fill out the following

Family- (pick one of the queens that is already in the nursery)

Name- (your warrior name if you want, but it can just be your kit name and I'll decide your warrior name)


Personality- (I might need to tweak it a little, but I'll tell you if I do)


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