Chapter 5

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Swiftpaw's POV

Brightheart lead the way to Thunderclan camp. The warriors up front and the apprentices trailed behind. Swiftpaw looked sideways at the small Riverclan apprentice next to him. She had her eyes on the pale blue eyes on the forest floor. "So, your Slippaw right?"

She looked up and smiled. "Yeah, my mother named me that because I'm so clumsy. I'm always slipping or tripping on one thing or another."

"I don't really have that problem. I am Swiftpaw after all. I'm faster then almost all the apprentices in my clan." He boasted proudly.

Slippaw laughed. "I might be a bad walker/runner, but I'm a pretty good swimmer."

"I don't even know how to swim."

"I bet I can swim!" Snowpaw interrupted.

"Yeah right, you've never even been near the lake." Swiftpaw rolled his eyes.

"But how hard could it be?"

Slippaw's eyes sparled with amusment as she watched the two brothers quarrel. She was about to stop their arugment when they reached Thunderclan camp.

Swiftpaw looked around and saw that many of his clanmates were gone. They're probably patroling or hunting.

Brightheart ordered the visiting cats to stay in the clearing while she went to get Bramblestar. Stormcloud came up to the young apprentices. "You two must be tired after treaking around all day. Why don't you get some freshkill and rest up for a while."

Snowpaw nodded and bounded off, but Swiftpaw stayed behind and looked up at his mentor. "Can Slippaw come too? We can show her the medicine den so Petalfur can talk to Bramblestar."

"Fine, but make sure Jayfeather or Leafpool is in there to help you get the herbs you need." Stormcloud mewed.

Swiftpaw bounced in the air. "Come on Slippaw! You can come with us and we'll show you around camp!"

The young cats hurried to catch up with Snowpaw, who was already at the freshkill pile. "Hey Snowpaw! Hurry up and finish eating, we need to take Slippaw to the medicine den." He meowed.

Snowpaw didn't respond at all to him, but just kept eating his shrew. "Snowpaw...?" Oh yeah, he's deaf in that ear. "Come on Slippaw, we can just go without him."

They walked away and Swiftpaw lead her to the medicine den. They were greeted by Jayfeather who was organizing some herbs that he had just collected. His blind blue eyes swerved toward the Swiftpaw and Slippaw. "Why is there two Riverclan cats in our camp?"

Slippaw stepped forward. "My names Slippaw, Mothwing sent us to get some Blackberry Leaves. My brother and sister, Stripepaw and Littlepaw, were getting some honey from a beehive and the hive fell while they were trying to get some honey. Of course the bees got mad and went after them-"

"All right I get it, you don't need to tell me your whole life story. Here are some blackberrry leaves." He pushed forward some prickly green leaves. "Mothwing and Willowshine are welcome to visit anytime. And tell Mothwing that she needs to make sure that she comes to the Moonpool next half-moon." He ordered.

The tabby nodded her head and picked up the leaves. They were just leaving the medicine den when Sandstorm came in. "Jayfeather! You know Crowfeather's here. Where's Leafpool?"

Swiftpaw was confused. Why would Leafpool need to know if Jayfeather was here? He shook it off and led Slippaw to the freshkill pile again. The two cats talked for a while until Mosspaw and Russetpaw came back. They took some prey and by then the Riverclan cats had to leave. Swiftpaw waved his tail in fairwell and sat down in the apprentices den.

Snowpaw came up laughing. "Oh gosh, you should've seen yourself. Who knew all it would take was a pretty she-cat to stop you from sulking all the time!"

Swiftpaw growled. "I do not sulk all the time, I don't even sulk at all! And I was only being friendly with her."

Snowpaw rolled his eyes. "You should be glad I haven't told Mosspaw... yet."

"You haven't? Thank you sooo much!" He sighed in relief. Mosspaw was a really big gossiper, and once she heard something new, she won't stop talking about it for days. "Is Crowfeather still here?"

"Yeah, I don't know why though. That kit that he brought with him isn't even Windclan."

Swiftpaw frowned. "Why would he have a kit with him in the first place?"

Snowpaw opened his mouth to reply, but then Bramblestar's voice rang out. "Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey join beneath HighRock for a clan meeting."

Russetpaw poked her head out of the apprentice den and came out. Amberpaw followed her. Most of the hunting and patrols were back by then so the clearing wasn't completly empty.

"Aw why can't we go out too?" Swiftpaw looked over by the nursery and saw Spottedkit leaning out.

"Blossomfall's kits get to go out! It's not fair!" Badgerkit complained.

Daisy grabbed Spottedkit by the scruff and pulled her back inside the nursery. "They get to go out because they're older. Now come help me gather up moss to make a mossball."

The kits quickly forgot about the meeting and followed their mother inside. Swiftpaw smiled at the kits actions, but turned back to his father, who was standing with Crowfeather and the small kit on highrock.

"As I'm sure you all know by now, Crowfeather has brought us this kit. I can't tell you his orgins, but he needs a home and Windclan will not except him. We will be taking him in." Bramblestar announced.

"You expect us to care for this kit when you won't tell us where he's from?" Birchfall cried.

Brightheart glared at him. "Every kit deserves to be taken care of. It doesn't matter where they're from."

"But look how small he is, we don't even know if he'll last through the rest of leafbare." Mousewhisker protested.

"B-bramblestar?" Daisy had come out of the nursery. "May I speak?"

"Of course Daisy!" Bramblestar nodded his head.

"I suggest we keep the kit. I mean, Crowfeather came to us for a reason. Id be willing to care for him."

"He probably just came here to see Leafpool." Thornclaw muttered a few mouselengths away from Swiftpaw.

Why would Crowfeather want to see Leafpool? He wondered and looked up at the dark gray tom. Crowfeather's body stiffened as he heard Thornclaw's remark.

Bramblestar glanced sideways at him. "I think that's a great idea Daisy. We'll take the kit in Crowfeather. Thank you for visiting, I'll have Squirrelflight and Cloudtail escort you to the border."

The two cats that had been called stepped forward and showed him the way out. Crowfeather's tail lashed as he walked out of the camp. Well that was weird. He thought as Shrewpaw came up to him. "Hey! You finally made it to apprenticeship!"

Swiftpaw laughed. "Yeah! Now you'll have some real compition!"

Ashpaw inturrupted and rolled his eyes. "You wish. We're way farther ahead then you."

Shrewpaw butted his brother in the side. "Come on, let's just show him where he's sleeping."

Swiftpaw followed them to the den and saw ten nests. His eyes widened has he realized how many apprentices had in Thunderclan. "Here, you sleep near the middle." Ashpaw gestered to a nest.

"Thanks!" Swiftpaw lay down in his new nest. Wow! A lot has happened in just a day. As he drifted into unconciouness there was no sadness or wishfullness to go back to the nursery, only happiness. He was finally free to explore this new world.

Ok sorry for this chapter. I'm like really tired and stressed by some other things in my life, so I didn't really do the best on this chapter. Anyways, the cat in the media is Slippaw. I think for a while I'll be showing pictures of my ocs in this book. Soooo, who do you think this mysterious kit is and what's his backstory? Comment if you have a guess. Oh and you'll find out his name in the next chapter. I think that's all, so Hazelswirl is signing out. Byeeeee!

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