Day One: Meeting

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You are invited to Kong Studios. You love the Gorillaz and their music, so you come. You especially like the lead singer 2D. You come to Kong Studios and you meet Murdoc Niccals at the door. He greets and tells you to come in. Murdoc smacks your butt, and gives you a perverted look. You scream rape at the top of your lungs. Russel comes in from the bathroom, and yells at Murdoc. You walk away from them. You then go to the kitchen and some mellow yellow. 2D comes in the kitchen, and sees you drinking. He smiles then says" Ello, luv". You smile back and say "hi" to 2D. You and 2D go to the living room. When you guys enter you see Noodle playing the wii. Then 2D asked if you wanted to go to his room to go to sleep. You say" yes" , and go to his room. When you get there you change into your night clothes. Then you went to bed.

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