Day 5: The Fight

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You wake up with 2D holding you. You smiled at him and then kissed his forehead. When you kissed him he woke up and kissed you on the lips.You two started to make out. Then Murdoc came in. You and 2D didn't even notice him. You two continued to make out. Murdoc then reached over to you and pulled you to his lips. Then he kissed you. 2D punched the shit out of Murdoc. Murdoc was pushed back on to the wall with his mouth and nose bleeding. 2D said "let's go get some breakfast". You answered by nodding your head 'yes'. You two then went downstairs for some breakfast. When you get to the kitchen you see Noodle and Russel. Russel asked "what was that big noise upstairs?". 2D answered "oh, Murdoc fell down". Russel looked at him like he wasn't convinced. You then spoke up and said "he punched Murdoc into the wall and now he's bleeding". Noodle said "oh my god", and ran upstairs to help Murdoc. Russel said "why did you punch him?". 2D raised his finger and opened his mouth as if he was going to say something but didn't. You spoke up again and said "Murdoc kissed me that's why and 2D got jealous".Russel and 2D stared at you and didn't say anything. You looked at them embarrassed and went upstairs to see what Noodle was doing. When you see Noodle you see that she had stopped the bleeding, and cleaned up the mess. You felt bad, because you felt that it was your fault that Murdoc got hurt so you hugged him to make him feel better. Noodle was going to make a get better soon card for him. She loves doing that for them, because it makes her feel like she helped. You helped her with it looked cute when you guys fot done with it. You put it on his night stand. But when you got to his room you noticed he had pictures of you all over it. It was so freaking creepy you had to just put the card real quick and leave. You left the room and went to 2D's room. You couldn't stop thinking of the pictures of you in Murdoc's room. It just was so creepy to you. You just don't know what to do anymore. So, you wait for 2D to come in the room and lay down with you. When you guys lay down together he says "I'm sorry", and he fell asleep. You said "I'm not the one you should say that to", and then you fall asleep.

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