Day 7: Goodbye ;(

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You wake forgetting about what day it was, and went to the bathroom to get ready for what lays ahead. When you get done you go downstairs to get breakfast. That's when you noticed a 'goodbye (y/n)' sign, and then you realized what day it was the day you leave Kong Studios. You then started to cry. Then 2D came downstairs only in his underwear and hugged you comfortably. You started to calm down. Then 2D said" what happened?" You said" I'm going to leave today and I forgot about it, but I'm sad, because I will have to leave you." 2D felt sorry for you and said "give me your address maybe will see each other again sometime, ok?" You nodded your head' yes', and gave him your address and your phone number. He put it in his room, and helped you pick up your things. You then had everything packed up, and you went to the door. You stopped at it, turned around, and said " goodbye everyone" with tears in your eyes, but you smiled at 2D. Then you left, and went home.


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