Day 4: Truth Know?

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You wake up on 2D. He was already awake and looked at you. He smiled and you smiled back at him. Then you kissed his cheek, and then he grabbed you and pulled you in for a kiss. The kiss turned from a kiss to making out to french kissing. He started to move his hands slowly down your back to your butt. It made you morned a little. 2D grinned and undone your bra. When he took it off of you. Murdoc walked in to wake you guys up. He saw what you guys were doing and walked out, slamming the door, and stooped his feet away to tell Russel. When Russel found out he went to see if he was telling the truth. Russel soon found he was and gasped at the sight of you and 2D. You hed under the covers, because of the embarrassment. Russel and Murdoc left the room and then you put your clothes back on. 2D asked" where ya going, love?" And you answered" to get some breakfast, sweety." 2D said" ok", and you left the room to go eat. You get downstairs in the kitchen and everyone looks at you weird. You smile and get some cereal. 2D then come downstairs. He goes into the kitchen. When he sees you he runs to you and kisses you (on the lips). Everyone is surely looking at you now, and Noodle goes 'aww' to you guys. 2D blushes a bit, and you blush madly. Then you guys eat your breakfast. When you guys get done Noodle and 2D washed the dishes. You go upstairs to 2D's room and clean it up. After your done cleaning his room for him you start a movie on his tv (a zombie movie of course). He then comes upstairs to see you watching his zombie movies. You asked if he wanted to watch it with you. He said yes and you guys watched the movie. After that you two love birds fell asleep in each other's arms.

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