Day Three: Are You Amazed?

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You wake up curled up to 2D and hug him tightly. Then Murdoc comes in to wake up you guys. He sees you awake and says" today we're going somewhere special. ". You get excited and squal waking up 2D. He asked what was wrong and you say" Murdoc said that we are going somewhere special today! ". 2D got out of bed and said "will we better be getting ready then". You jump up out of bed and get some of your clothes. Then you run to the bathroom with your clothes and toke a shower. When you got out 2D got in the shower  to get ready. While he and the other boys got ready for the special somewhere that you guys where going to go to.  You go with Noodle to the kitchen to make breakfast for everyone. When you guys get done you yell up the stairs to the boys that breakfast was ready. 2D, Murdoc, and Russell ran down the stairs to the kitchen to eat. When they got there you and Noodle greeted them with a 'good morning', and then' eat up guys'. You smiled at 2D and he smiled back. Murdoc said"thanks you beautiful Angels for the food". Russel was already done eating his breakfast,  and 2D halfway finished his. Murdoc ate 3/4 of his breakfast. Then he told everyone where they were going.  They were going to a... Amusement park. Wyen you guys got there you suggested to ride the  fairest wheel with 2D. Since the carts can fit three people in them Murdoc wanted to ride with you and 2D.  You said"sure" and he came along with you and  2D. You leaned on 2D and he had his arm around you.  You look over at Murdoc. He was laughing at 2D who was blushing. When you and everyone else got home you guys went to sleep.

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