Five of Clubs - Part Three

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Two minutes felt like an eternity.

Chishiya kept looking at the screen, waiting for the next question to show. All the while, keeping his hand on Kurenai's arm. He had already given her air several times, but he knew it would be impossible to keep it going forever.

"Why are you trying to save her?" Niragi asked. It was a question that had been bugging him. Everyone seemed so adamant to have Kurenai at the Beach, and now even the usually nonchalant Chishiya was losing his mind trying to keep her alive. "Humour me," he said, when all he got in response was a glare. "Not like we've got anywhere else to go."

"It's a Clubs game. If she dies, the gamemakers win."

"Bullshit!" Niragi scoffed. "I don't see you saving every player in every game you participated in. God Chishiya, don't tell me that you're whipped for her? She's not even that hot."

No, he was not 'whipped' for Kurenai.

Though there was no denying that he had been developing feelings that he could not quite describe ever since meeting her. She had been on his mind constantly after the 'Tag' game. It had not even been three days since, and here he was, staying in a game when he had been freed to save her.

'Protect her'

Those two words flashed across his mind once again. He had to protect her, but why?

As he was deep in thought, Chishiya suddenly snapped out of it. This son of a bitch Niragi had been stalling for time. He dove under once more, giving air to Kurenai but she was no longer responding. When he surfaced, he quickly looked to the screen.

"What is the brand name of the red sole shoes?"

What kind of bullshit question was that?

Niragi took a gander at the question and laughed. For a moment, he regretted answering wrongly when he could have dragged the time out. Chishiya's turn was after his, what if he got a question he knew the answer to? He was a smart one after all, Chishiya. Seeing the question, however, Niragi let out the heartiest laugh he could.

Anything academically related, especially in the field of Science and Mathematics, Chishiya was confident in. He supposed that was why the gamemaker chose to have trivia questions instead.

Then, something clicked.

"These are Louboutins." She showed him the red soles. "I'm not about to throw them away."

That night when they met, Kurenai carried her heels around the entire game. They were six inches tall, and definitely not suitable for games but she kept them because they were Louboutins.


Niragi's eyes widened in shock, and he was caught off guard when Chishiya grabbed the key as soon as it hit the water. He let his guard down and now Kurenai was getting saved.

As soon as he freed her, Chishiya brought her up to the surface. He looked back to Niragi and was determined to leave him there. Without Kurenai to answer the next question, he was never getting out of the pool. Just as he was turning away, he looked down at the unconscious Kurenai.

She would not leave Niragi behind. She would have handed the key over. That was partially why she answered the question in the first place. She knew she would not get her own key but she still answered. What would she say to him right now?

Give him the key, and taunt him for the rest of his life that he's only alive because of me.

Although unwilling, Chishiya dropped the green key into the water before swimming away with Kurenai. He got them out of the pool and laid her on the floor, pressing his fingers against her neck to check her pulse.


He never thought the day when he would be grateful for his medical degree would come, yet there they were.

Clutching his hands on top of each other, he started performing CPR on her, praying the whole time that she would start breathing again. No matter how many chest compressions he did, no matter how many he put his lips on hers to give her the much needed air, she was not responding.

Even as he heard the cracking of her ribs, Chishiya did not stop.

Kurenai was a tough woman. She survived by herself in Borderland for four nights, participating in a game each night. She was not about to die tonight.

*Cough* *Cough* *Cough*

All of a sudden, she started coughing, expelling the water in her lungs. As she opened her eyes a little, Chishiya held her tightly in his arms and let out a sigh of relief.

She was alive.

She was alive.


"You're okay...You're okay."



Compared to the news of their game clear, Chishiya was more relieved to feel Kurenai breathing on his neck. It was weak, but it meant she was alive.

After five minutes or so just holding her, Chishiya was finally calmed enough to pull away. He never cared who lived or died in Borderland, as long as he came out on top. Somehow, Kurenai found her way into his heart and got him to care about her. The cold-hearted medical student, who once crumpled up a patient's last letter to his family, was glad that he did not lose the woman he met in game a couple nights ago.

Somewhat recovered, Kurenai laid against Chishiya's body, unwilling to move. The water was cold, but it was colder when she finally gave in and accepted her fate. Brought back to life by Chishiya, she never wanted to leave his warmth.

He helped Kurenai onto her feet, holding her by the waist to support her. They only took a few steps before Chishiya stopped, crouching down and let her get on his back, carrying her instead.

Whether Niragi found the key and escaped, Chishiya could not care less. His only priority now was to bring Kurenai back to the Beach.

"Thank you, Shuntarou."

As they made their way back to the Beach, Kurenai found some strength in her. She could not remember what happened after she went under, though she vaguely remembered Chishiya giving her air every so often. Everything else after that was just a blur.

"Don't make a habit of it."

Kurenai let out a soft laugh. God, it was nice to hear her laugh.

"You'll save me again. You're a softie."

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