New Arrival - Part Three

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Hiding in the shadows by the pool, Kurenai and Chishiya had been talking out plans. Neither of them had games that night, and most of the executive members were out renewing their visas. It seemed like the perfect opportunity for them to discuss the plan that she was now a part of.

Of course, they could be in a room talking privately though that would usually lead to something else. Plus, sitting out in public talking was a little less suspicious. No one would think they were planning on betraying the Beach out in the open.

"Do you really think this is going to work?" Kurenai asked.

"You don't believe in me?"

"Technically, I only believe in myself," she smiled. "But you come a close second."

Their conversation was disrupted by the militants' return to the Beach after their game. How convenient that they were put in a group together.

While the crowd was going wild cheering for them, Kurenai could not be any less concerned about them. Actually, she could not care less either if any of them died during a game. For a particular someone, she did wish death upon him once but decided it would be too simple for him to just die in a game.

"Let's go," she said, taking Chishiya's hand but he did not budge. "Shuntarou?"

"There's about to be a show," he smirked. "Let's stay and watch."

As he predicted, things escalated quickly.

Noticing the newcomers, Aguni seemed to have taken an interest in the girl. Niragi was coaxing the girl, explaining how it was her lucky day to be chosen by Aguni. It was obvious she did not think so, but no one dared to help her. This was the militant they were talking about.

No one would dare to go against them.

Except the guy.

He stood between the militants and the girl, whether it was with bravery or stupidity, who knew.

"Oh...well that's interesting," Kurenai smiled. "Romantic too. Would you stand up for me, Shuntarou?"

Would he?

Chishiya did not answer, because he did not know the answer himself.

If she asked him this question two weeks ago, or even when they first met, his answer would have been a definite no. She had somehow managed to weasel in his life and anchored herself down. He knew he had feelings for her, he just did not know what kind of feelings they were.

"Guess I was right not to join your side. You look like you really like violence. If I had stuck with you, I'd probably be tortured right about now."

What Arisu said threw everyone off.

He basically signed his own death certificate, saying such things to the militant. In front of Aguni and Niragi, no less.

Kurenai let out a quiet giggle, seeing right through what he was trying to do.

There were two distincts separate groups here at the Beach: the idealists led by Hatter, and the militants led by Aguni. Many members tried to be on the good side of both groups but at the same time, not show who they favoured. Once it was clear who they sided with, their lives would be threatened by the other group. Especially if you were going against the militant.

She learnt that rather quickly when she first arrived, though Kurenai soon made enemies with both sides, seeing as Hatter wanted to get rid of her.

Arisu essentially chose a side, and did so publicly. It was a stupid since he was fighting the militant, though Kurenai could see that he played them because on the far side where nobody else could see, since they were focused on the commotion, was Hatter. Those things he said were meant for Hatter to hear, not the militants.

Hatter coming to his rescue was not something anyone expected. Though Kurenai rather enjoyed seeing the expression on Niragi's face. She could guess what was on his mind already:

Who was this kid? Did he make a deal to join the Beach? Why was the Hatter protecting him? Did he know something they did not?

"So, what do you think?" Chishiya asked, walking up behind Kuina and looked at Kurenai.

"I like him."

"Me too."


Walking into the meeting room, Arisu did not know what to expect. The room was filled with people vastly different to the rest of the Beach members, and he had already pissed off about half of them. Instead of sitting down at the table, he walked over to the side and kept close to the wall.

Behind him, Kurenai entered the room and waltzed over to the far side of the table, taking the chair that Last Boss was leaning on. The man frowned, though he said nothing, simply standing his ground. Kurenai moved the chair away from him, pushing it right against Chishiya's and sat down, whispering something in his ear.

Arisu looked around the room, spotting the two sitting closely together and recognised them instantly. Were they not in the same game as he was? He remembered the man with the taser and the woman was wearing a bright red dress at that time. So they were members of the Beach.

Chishiya gave him a little wave, and Kurenai looked over before smiling, wiggling her fingers at Arisu.

"With the end of tonight's game, we've collected every card besides ten of Hearts and the face cards," Mira said, walking over to her seat.

"If the face cards do not exist, then ten of Hearts is the last card we need."

"But the ten of hearts never appeared in a game before. We can't clear it if it doesn't appear. Maybe there's a condition to fulfil for it to appear.'s not in Tokyo."

"Doesn't matter, we'll just have to keep looking," Hatter said. "Make sure you have enough days left on your visa while you look. I'd have to renew mine soon."

He glanced in Kurenai's direction, and she stared right back. Ever since her last game, she had not participated in another. Not that she needed to. It was her refusal to play games now that bothered Hatter.

Many others tried to follow her, refusing to participate in games when they still had days left on their visas; they were quickly taken care of. Kurenai, on the other hand, was a little harder to get rid of than those small fries.

"There is a way to guarantee extension of your visa," Mira smiled, looking at Hatter. "Heart games allow you to toy with the hearts and feelings of others. If you bring along those who don't mind dying, you'll survive for sure. The same thing happened in the seven of Hearts game you were in, didn't it Arisu?"

"Do you have any advice for us as a Hearts player, Arisu?" Hatter asked.

Kurenai looked at Arisu too. He was a Hearts player? He certainly did not look like one, though the way he got Hatter protecting him in front of the militant was definitely impressive.

Looking down at Kurenai, Chishiya smirked.

He had the best Hearts player right there, clinging onto his arm.

Marionette ¦¦ Chishiya Shuntarou x OCWhere stories live. Discover now