King of Hearts - Part Three

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The game was moving slowly, but Kurenai was starting to have fun. She enjoyed watching the corners of Akihiro's lips twitching in frustration, how his brows would knit into a frown one second before relaxing the next when he remembered that he was currently playing a game.

"Curious?" she asked, smiling a little. She was kind enough to wait until he recovered from the shock before speaking again. "I really don't hate my brother. I think he's a pussy, but I don't hate him. Do you know what our names mean?"

"Please, do tell."

"Chuya Kurenai. Chuya means to be pure and clear like water. Kurenai means red. Red in pure and clear water, it's tainted. That's how my father sees me. Aoi, on the other hand, means blue. Blue in pure and clear water, it's like he belongs. I used to think that it was unfair. Even from just our names, you could tell who my father loved more. Then I came to realise that Aoi and I, we're not that different. We both suffered under that man, and we hate him."

"There is no way you do not hate your brother. He is the reason why you are constantly overlooked by your father. He is the reason why you could not attend Imperial College. He is a filthy fagg-"

"I'm going to stop you right there," Kurenai said. She had dropped her smile by now; she had heard enough. "Are you challenging me? Say it. Call out my lie."

Akihiro frowned, staring into her eyes. She was not lying, that much he could tell. Though he could not understand. Anyone in her position would hate their sibling for taking away the love they were so deprived of. Was she cheating the equipment somehow?

"I do not hate my brother, because he is not the reason why I suffered. Whether or not Aoi was born, or perhaps if I had another sibling, my father would still treat me the same. I would still be overlooked, controlled, and abused. It has nothing to do with Aoi. And Aoi's sexuality will never be the reason why I hate him."

His sexuality would never be the reason why she hated him?

What a joke!

All his life, Akihiro had heard that phrase. Parents coming to him, begging on their knees for him to 'fix' their children. They always said that their children's sexuality was not a problem, yet they would still like for him to make them normal again. Even siblings who claimed that homosexuality was never a issue for them, they would then turn their backs on them.

"You all say that," Akihiro said, his voice sounding a little strained. Not because he was in pain, but he was starting to lose control of his emotions. "You all say you don't mind until you have to face the public. Then you turn your back on them and you say you wish they were normal. Do you know how many parents came to me, begging me to convert their sons? You're a fucking liar. You cannot wait to fucking throw that fag-"

Before he could finish his sentence, Akihiro was shocked once again and yet another point was deducted for him.

"I'd be careful with what I say if I were you," Kurenai pointed out. "And I'd refrain from using the f-word when talking about Aoi too. Because I will step on your neck with my stilettos if you do so again."

Barely recovering from the shock, Akihiro straightened himself in the chair. He let his emotions get to him and he got carried away. Why? Why was he the one getting riled up while Kurenai was so unbothered?

"I finally remember who you are now," Kurenai smiled, leaning forward and propped her elbows on the altar. "You came to our office one day, asking to see my father."

"You're right in saying he's not angelic. He refused to donate to our church."

"Church?" Kurenai hummed, tilting her head. "I think the more fitting word would be 'cult', would it not?" Akihiro froze. She could see that fear in his eyes. "My father is always careful with his words, but if I recall correctly, this was what he said to you back then. I will not now, nor ever, donate to your cult. Now leave before I call security."

"How dare you call us a cult? We are a religious organisation, dedicated to-"

"Dedicated to draining the savings of your believers. I did a little research on you, after you were kicked out by my father. How many imported cars do you own again? Five? I only have three. What about properties? Should I list out the ones in Japan only? Or shall I reveal all the ones you have over the world?"

Akihiro was chewing on his bottom lip.

He was starting to feel like a player going up against a game master. He needed something to throw Kurenai off, and he needed something fast.

"Let's talk about Chishiya Shuntarou."

"Hm? Changing the subject?" Kurenai grinned, leaning back in her chair. "Sure, let's talk about him. What do you want to know? His face? His body? How good he is in bed?"

"How naive of you really think he loves you?"

"I never thought he loved me," Kurenai stated. "But I do think he likes me enough."

"Enough to what? Fuck you? Or fuck you over? You don't think if he had the chance he would throw you under the bus to save himself?"

It was not a foreign thought to Kurenai, honestly. She would not put it past Chishiya to not sacrifice her if the situation came to it. He did so to Arisu without so much of a second thought. Would she care? A little. It would hurt, and it would anger her. Though if only one of them could survive, Chishiya would have a much better chance than she did.

Would she do the same, however? Sacrifice him to save herself?

Perhaps she would have when they first met. The first answer that popped into her mind now that she was asking herself that question, the answer she seemed to be quite firm on.


She would not.

But why not?

And it clicked in her mind.

"I love him..."

"What? You love him? You fucking liar! Liar! God, I'd love to see you in a game together where only one of you gets to live. We'll see then how much you love him then, liar! Let's see who betrays who first. You goddamn lying bitch!"

While Akihiro was going on a rampage, Kurenai looked at the screen and watched as points kept getting deducted from him. Very quickly, he went from -3 points to -7. In his rage, Akihiro himself did not notice. Not until he was shocked four times consecutively.

"Thank you," Kurenai smiled. "For helping me realise my feelings. For letting me know that despite how messed up my life is, how messed up I am, I can still love someone."

"You fucking're lying. You're lying to me, and you are cheating. There is no way you really love him. There is no way, not in Borderland."

Twice more, he was shocked.

"You only have one point left," Kurenai said, her eyes glued to the screen, not even paying attention to Akihiro at this point. God, if only she could have a cup of tea right now. "How about I make this easy for you? Your wife. Did you divorce her? Or did you kill her?"

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