Dynamic Changes - Part Three (NSFW)

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The first time Kurenai tried blindfolds, it was suggested to her by her then partner. She was young and inexperienced, and when he put the blindfolds on her, she was afraid. Then she found the excitement in having her eyes covered.

Since she could not see, she did not know what he was going to do next, as it was with Chishiya right now. And he was having fun teasing her. He brushed the tip of his finger against the side of her body, watching as she gasped softly and twisted her body to the side. He put his finger on her chest and traced it down her abdomen, exactly the way she always did to him.

Kurenai arched her back, moaning his name, her voice a little shaky.

He hooked his finger around her bikini bottom and dragged it down her legs, tossing it to one side. Her toes were already curling in pleasure when Chishiya barely did anything to her. The makeshift blindfold was working wonders.

Heck, it was working on him and he was not the one with his eyes covered.

There was a certain something about Kurenai, he did not know what it was, that got him hooked onto her. Never had he been so fascinated and captivated by a single person before, let alone a woman he met in a dystopian world. Almost like she was a drug.

Lifting her legs over his shoulders, Chishiya pushed his own shorts down before pushing into her. He deliberately went slow, savouring the feeling of entering her and enjoying as she took in a deep breath from the unexpected penetration. She gripped the bedsheet under her so tightly that her knuckles were turning white.

"That good, huh?" Chishiya smirked.

"Move, Shuntarou..."

Once again, he was slowly pulling out until just the tip was in her. Then he stopped.

Under the blindfold, Kurenai frowned. While she was used to his teasing, both in and out of the bedroom, he was relentless tonight. She whined, pushing her hip down on him but Chishiya refused to move.


"What is it?" he asked, leaning down with both arms on either side of her head. He stroked her hair, kissing her on the lips over and over. "What do you want?"

"You know what I want."

"I want to hear you say it."

Feeling around with her hands until she was holding his face, Kurenai pulled him down until her lips were right by his ear. "I want you, Shuntarou," she whispered. "I want you to move, I want you to make me feel good, I want- Ah!"

Without letting her finish, Chishiya suddenly pushed into her.

He then kept thrusting into her and pressed his lips to her neck, leaving another hickey on her. Kurenai's moans soon filled the room, and she was calling his name over and over. The way his name rolled off her tongue, it was almost like an aphrodisiac for him. Why was this woman so alluring?

"Maybe...maybe I don't like blindfolds as much as I thought," Kurenai said, barely getting her words out.

"Why is that?"

"Because I...hm! Damn it...Because I d-don't get to see your face."

Chishiya could not help but chuckle at that. He pushed the blindfold off and Kurenai opened her eyes with a big smile. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him down until their foreheads were touching, and she was looking into his eyes.

"Much better."


"Was last night not enough for you?" Chishiya asked.

Watching as Kurenai was grinding on top of him, he held her on the waist. It was early in the morning, and they had just woken up after getting about two hours of sleep each. To be Kurenai's man, it seemed like not only did one have to keep up with her mentally, they would have to keep up with her physically too.

"Are you complaining?" Kurenai hummed, tangling her fingers in his hair. "Because last I remember, you were especially enthusiastic last night."

"And who was it, practically screaming? I'm pretty sure the entire hotel heard you."

"Hm...maybe I should have been quieter. Now every girl will know how good you are in bed. What if they try to seduce you?"

"I'm not interested in other girls."

Kurenai stopped moving at his last sentence before grinning. No labels, but they definitely belonged to each other.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door and in burst Tatta without waiting for permission. Chishiya was quick to wrap the duvet around their bodies as they both glared at the boy who was too busy trying to catch his breath to notice what they were doing. When he finally looked up, his eyes widened and Tatta quickly turned to face the wall behind.

"I am so sorry!" Tatta said, almost yelling out of embarrassment. "But um, there's been an emergency. Please come to the meeting immediately!"

"There's always an emergency," Kurenai mumbled, resting her head on Chishiya's shoulder, with a loud sigh. "What can it be this time?"

"Please just come to the meeting now."

"Tatta," Chishiya called out, just before the boy was leaving. "Do me a favour and get Arisu to come too."

With a nod, Tatta ran out of the room and closed the door behind him.

For the next minute, they remained in the same position. Neither of them wanted to move, but they knew they had to. Kurenai looked up, resting her chin on his shoulder before letting out another sigh. "Can we not finish before we go?" she asked.

"You know we can't."

"Then you owe me," she said, rolling off Chishiya and swung her legs over the side of the bed. "Someone better died for interrupting us."

Little did she know, someone did.

Laying on the table in the middle of the room was Hatter. This was not some eccentric act of his, especially with that bullet wound in his chest.

Hatter was dead.

As everyone looked with disbelief, Kurenai held onto Chishiya's hand. She hid her face in his chest, unable to stop herself from smiling. She had seen death time and time again here in Borderland, and although they did not bother her as much, this particular death was affecting her. Not in a way it would other people, however.

She was happy.

Chishiya glanced down at Kurenai, keeping his expression neutral though he was smiling on the inside too. Not just because Kurenai did not have to live in fear for her own life, but also because their plan could finally move to the final phase.

Now that Hatter was gone, the dynamic at the Beach would be changing too.

It did not matter who would be in charge next, at least not for them, because they had one goal and one goal only. Honestly, Hatter's death could not have come at a better time.

"What's going to happen to the Beach?" One of the executive members asked.

"We keep this a secret from the rest, of course. They'll be shaken by this," Mira said.

Kurenai was no longer paying attention. "This is our chance, Shuntarou. Our chance to leave this hell."

"I know. We'll be out of here soon."

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