Fade Away - Part Two

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Waking up next to Chishiya seemed to be the norm now.

A norm she should not get used to.

She stroked his cheek gently with one finger, watching him sleep and breathing slowly. When he was asleep like so, Chishiya almost seemed angelic. Who would have guessed that underneath all that look was a manipulative and cold-hearted man?

Her hand was suddenly caught by his, and Chishiya opened his eyes, looking straight into hers.

"Don't go falling in love with me."

"I thought you were the one in love?"

Pulling her hand away, Kurenai sat up on the bed and picked up her bikini on the floor, putting it on while Chishiya watched her.

Even if this was the real world, Kurenai did not know if she would really fall in love with Chishiya. Or any person, for that matter. As a Chuya, she had no rights to fall in love with whomever she liked. A Chuya's love was a contract, and would only be given out if it was beneficial to them. As much as she liked fooling around with Chishiya, he would not have been the beneficial choice her father would approve of.

And this was Borderland.

Either of them could die at a game, and considering the situation here at the Beach, they could possibly die outside the games.

Once she was dressed, Kurenai headed for the door. Tatta, the boy who joined the Beach a little before she did and ran errands for the executives, was standing right outside looking like he was about to knock.

"Morning, boy," Kurenai smiled. "How may I help you?"

"Oh um..." He looked away, as if afraid to make eye contact with her. How much fun she would have teasing a boy like him. "Well uh...Hatter has called an executive meeting, and he asked me to get the members. So um...if you would um..."

"Thank you, cutie pie." Tapping his nose, Kurenai grinned as Tatta blushed and ran off. "It's time to go, Shuntarou. Executive meeting."

The atmosphere in the meeting room was a little different than usual.

As soon as they walked in, all eyes were on Kurenai and Chishiya. While she normally would make a snarky comment about the attention, something about this particular attention was telling her to keep her mouth shut.

"Nice to see you, Miss Chuya. Chishiya," Hatter greeted, his back facing them. "Remind me again, what are the rules here at the Beach."

"Swimsuit required, all cards must be handed over, and death to traitors."

"All cards must be handed over..." Hatter muttered, finally turning to face them. "Is there something both of you have forgotten to do?" he asked, holding his hand out.

It was not a mistake either of them would make so carelessly, but they were preoccupied last night (with each other) to remember the cards. Still, the fact that Hatter called an executive meeting just to call them out in front of everyone seemed a little excessive in Kurenai's opinion.

They did not run off with the cards, after all.

Reaching into her pocket, Kurenai pulled out the two eight of Diamonds cards and handed them over. She had to admit, however, it was rather unwillingly this time. In fact, it was never willing on her part but she was not given a choice.

Taking the cards, Hatter lingered around Kurenai and pushed his nose into her hair, taking in a deep breath of her scent. He played a little with her hair before making her look at him roughly.

"Now I know you youngsters," he whispered, pressing his forehead hard against hers. "Your hormones are running wild and you can't keep it in your pants, I get it. That's why I never forbid any of you from doing whatever you like. Or...whoever you like."

He then turned his head slightly and looked in Chishiya's direction.

"But may I remind you of your priorities here at the Beach."

Nobody in the room dared to say anything as Hatter walked away from Kurenai, going back to his chair at the top of the table.

"Sit down, sit down. Don't just stand around," Hatter smiled, gesturing for the rest of the members to take a seat. "Now, let's talk about the games tonight. We've been doing very well at collecting the cards since Miss Chuya's addition to the Beach, we are very grateful for that. If I remember correctly, Aguni's visa is expiring soon, isn't it?"

Aguni simply nodded in response.

Even before Hatter said it, Kurenai knew what was coming her way. She was to participate in another game tonight. The second Hatter looked her way, she knew she was right.

"Take Miss Chuya with you."

"I don't need her," Aguni stated.

"I know that. But you are taking Miss Chuya with you," Hatter smiled. "Do you understand?"

There was an underlying threatening tone to his voice, and even Aguni the leader of the militants could not say no to Hatter. Death to all traitors.

Chishiya could not help but look over to Kurenai.

It had become rather common for the past week or so since her arrival that Hatter would pair her with an executive who needed to renew their visa. And for the most part, Kurenai did not seem to mind participating in the games; she had a twisted sense of enjoyment.

Though when he would put her with people like Niragi and Aguni, one could not help but wonder if there was something more to it.


Came nightfall, the PA system was blaring the alarm to signify the beginning of the games for the night. Chishiya watched the excited crowd splitting into groups, running off to their dooms with a bright smile. What idiots.

With his hands in his pockets, he was making his way out too.

He was unlucky last night, participating in only an Ace game. One night was added to his visa and now he had to play another game. He let out a soft sigh. Sometimes, luck was needed in order for them to survive in Borderland.

Before he left, however, he found himself looking around for one particular person.

Had she already gone to her game?

Just as he thought so, Kurenai walked through to the lobby. She had changed into a pair of shorts with the hoodies still on, perhaps preparing herself for what was to come with Aguni. Like a magnet, Chishiya was attracted and started walking toward her.

"Good luck in your game tonight," he said, poking her in the back.

"I don't need luck, Shuntarou," Kurenai smiled. "But if I do, I make my own."

"Don't be late back tonight."

Why did he say that?

It was unlike himself to say something that could be the equivalent of him caring for someone. Then again, since her appearance in his life, Chishiya had been doing nothing but things that were unlike him.

"Give me your hand."

A little confused, still Chishiya held his hand out like a puppy.

Kurenai grinned, taking his hand in hers. She pulled his hand close and pushed the sleeve of his hoodie up at the same time, then brought his forearm to her mouth and bit down hard until she left a deep mark on him. Chishiya winced and pulled away, frowning.

"I'll be back before this fades away."

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