Chapter 23

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A month had passed since that fateful day and they were now wrapping up filming of the last episode of the season. To say that this season of filming had been eventful for Olivia, well that would be the understatement of the year. After everything that went down between Josh and herself, she didn't think there would ever be a chance that they would end up happy together, let alone even friends again and yet here they were.

Like he promised, he gave her the space and time she needed to get comfortable around him again and for their relationship and herself to heal. Just over two weeks ago, when she had decided she was ready, he asked her out officially on a date and from then on, things had been smooth sailing. There wasn't a day that went by when they weren't together for an absurd amount of hours regardless of whether or not they were working that day. 

They had just finished their last scene for the day which happened to be together, a scene between Ricky and Nini, and the two were now walking away from set laughing. Their hand's brushed lightly but they were trying their best to avoid PDA at work, thinking it would be better to keep their relationship and their work separate. They walked to their trailers together, making light conversation before quickly running in, grabbing their things and then meeting back outside. Josh did a quick look around to make sure not many people were around before swinging an arm around her shoulder and pulling her close into his chest. Olivia took a deep breath and leaned into it, letting herself just savour the moment of tranquility and happiness.

"Can I drive?" She perked up excitedly as they got to his car. 

"All yours." He said with a grin, tossing her the keys over the hood of the car and getting into the passenger seat. It had become a habit of her's lately, there was just something about driving his car that made her happy. She guessed if she had to pin it down to some psychological thing, it sort-of brought back that feeling of untouched happiness and joy she felt that day driving with him for the first time. What could she say, she was a sucker for nostalgia. Anyways, it was a habit of hers that Josh was always much to happy to oblige. Whether it was because of the break from driving or the fact that he got to watch her face light up with joy every time he said yes, she'd never know for sure but she had her suspicions.

"So, Claire called and she told me that she missed you. Not me her own big brother, just you," he huffed dramatically causing her to giggle as she pulled out of the lot. 

"What can I say, I was always her favourite." She laughed even more and he just watched her face in admiration.     

"I can't say I blame her." He said, smiling at her as if she hung the moon itself, which brought a rosy blush onto her cheeks. "She told me she had a break from classes and she wanted to come visit here because it's easier then going all the way back to Oceanside. Anyways she wanted me to ask you if you wanted to get lunch with her, she said she missed you a lot and wanted to catch up." He explained.

"I'd love to!" She exclaimed excitedly, she missed Claire as well. The two had texted a bit on and off recently but between Olivia filming and her with exams, it wasn't easy to keep in touch. "On one condition." She added with a mischievous smile.

"And pray tell, what are your terms?" He played along with her.

"No boys allowed. I want time with my friend alone and you are not going to third wheel us." She said smiling and laughing.

"How would I be third wheeling on a lunch between my sister and my girlfriend if anything I think-" he tried arguing back but it was useless.

"Hate to have to be the one to break it to you Josh but you are one hundred percent the third wheel between the three of us. Claire and I have discussed this before and- "

"You've discussed this?" He asked turning to face her.

"Oh ya of course." She said laughing and nodding.

"Fine." He huffed in mock annoyance, crossing his arms over his chest and turning back to face front. He hadn't been able to keep up that facade for more than a few seconds. As good as an actor as he was, when it came to Olivia, he just couldn't pretend.

The rest of the drive was light and easy conversation all the way until when she pulled into Josh's parking space and they made their way up to the 15th floor. The new apartment had become like second home to her lately. Well first came her house with her parents back in California, then came her and her mom's Salt Lake apartment and then of course with the amount of time she spent at set with her friends it was like home to her and then came Josh's apartment so maybe more like a fourth home but nonetheless it was home. 

She lay on his bed and in his hoodie, cuddling in his arms as they watched some sappy rom-com on Netflix on his laptop. Her head was under his chin and their hands were intertwined in front of her chest. He leaned down to press a small but endearing kiss to her head. Around them were pictures of the two, both recent and old, plastered all over his once more walls. Their were still a few up with Sabrina, as with his other friends but she was fine with that. She trusted him and she understood that his friendship with her had meant a lot to him, especially during their time apart. At the end of the day, she knew she meant the most to him and as did he to her, that's what mattered. 

"I love you." He said sweetly. He had become increasingly comfortable with that phrase the past couple weeks and although she hadn't yet been able to say it back, she knew she felt the same.

"I um, I love you too" She said back and she didn't expect it to be this easy, to feel so normal. She thought it meant something was going to go wrong because just when thinks get good for her, they tend to all come falling apart. None of that happened this time. Josh propped himself up on his arm to look down at her.

"You don't have to feel pressured to say it back Livvy, I don't want you to think that I'll be upset if you-" He started and she loved him all the more for it.

"Joshua Taylor Bassett, I love you. I was scared to say it before but I'm not scared anymore and I'm not saying it because I feel pressured to. I'm saying it because I have loved you since the first time we sang together back in that audition room, even if I didn't know it at the time. And I will continue to love you for as long as I may live." She said looking him straight in the eyes with pure adoration and a wide beaming smile.

"Olivia Isabel Rodrigo, you are it for me." He spoke with affection as he leaned down to press a sweet kiss to her lips.

"Ya?" She asked with a shy smile as they pulled away, their movie now completely abandoned.

"Ya." He confirmed with another soft kiss on her lips and a small squeeze of her hand in his own, as if to say, I'm not going anywhere.  

After everything they'd been through, she was still scared. She loved him so much it scared her. She always wanted to be with him, in his presence, in his life, in his heart. You know what they say about young love, that it's either a loss or a lesson but yet, something deep down in her heart was telling her that they were gonna be the exception. 

A/N - And we're done. Ok so I kinda have a lot to say now, please stick around to read it would mean so much!!! So first let's talk about the chapter, I really hope this super fluffy epilogue / ending did you all justice!!! Quick note, I don't know Josh's middle name so I guessed Tanner lol and did you guys notice the Olivia song reference in my last paragraph :) Also if you read this right away, please ignore the fact that I'm posting at absurd hours of the night ahaha. As always your thoughts are always so greatly appreciated, especially now that the story is done! Votes are amazing as well so ty all! Moving on to the book as a whole though, I really hope you all enjoyed the story I told. It's been a great journey and writing helps me emotionally and I love sharing my words with others. Thank you to everyone for all the outstanding support, you have no idea how much joy I got in reading all your comments and thoughts 🥺 Thank you especially to some of you who commented on pretty much every chapter, you all really kept me motivated!!! Anyways, I think it's good to have come to a close but I'm sad to see this story go. I'm thinking of maybe starting a Jolivia one shot book (possibly with requests) and maybe even a different story in the future. If you like my writing and would like to see this please do message me or comment or if you have any other ideas, writing prompts or suggestions I'd love to hear them all!!! Once again, I wish everyone a great new year and I hope we meet again in the future! Ily all sm ❤️

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