Part Two - Revealing Of The Blonde girl

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Not many caught my name in the beginning when I was ranting about school life how we figure out the bigger picture of the future for outside of school, well first off I would love to say the mystery blonde girls name is Elizabeth Grace I am Senior Student, at Monarch HighSchool I am a 19 year old girl in 12th grade. I love acting and saying lines from movies scenes, it's always been a dream to be a big time actor with of course singing being involved. Not many know this but singing brings me a lot of joy plus emotion when I sing, but here's the thing I haven't been on stage for acting or singing since middle school when I got bullied for my second bellybutton and for dressing country. They thought I was different for who I am, for having a second belly button and for dressing up country.

That's when things took a turn in high school I was known as the cool kid who was laid back and gave hugs all time. Who then took another turn, she was no longer known as the Mystery Blonde Girl that disappeared she was now known for being a Lodge she changed her hair from golden blonde to shiny Black, she changed her style of clothes of being country to being straight city wearing high heels and designer clothes. She switch from being Elizabeth Grace to being Elizabeth Lodge.

I knew I was tolerated after the big change I did, but after I changed myself for the greater good. I walk into the school doors as I take a turn to walk in the halls, I realized people are splitted and there was  a bad vibe going on  in the halls.  People were separated everyone was in different groups with leather jackets on with there gang name on them, I thought it was just nightmare from changing myself but no it wasn't it's like we all changed and weren't our selfs, we have a group off in the left called The Snakes who's  known for drug dealing and giving out drugs on the north side of the school then we have The Dragons who  fight against evil they are ideally known to stay in the middle to keep eye out on all sides and then  we have The Hawks who causes trouble and fights on the south side, as all this change has happened we didn't know about  the gang that's starting The Fight To Death Matches. Well I can say at least I had a idea of what group or made up group that were causing these Fight To Death matches but knowing the school board and the authorities they won't listen to me since I am now gang member for The Dragons although I have great investigation skills and I could put them to good use. "Yes of course I know I am in a gang but I ride with the Dragons as you can see with my tattoo and jacket, we fight against evil", you had to be apart of a group to survive in high school it didn't matter if it's was small or a big group or a made up group. If you weren't in a group for lunch or for walking in the halls you would get messed with and you would get some hits in the face, you would get trampled into the ground and no adult, principal or staff would step in to break it up or help you. There was no consequences at Monarch  High School, it be lucky if you even made it out of school at the end of the day with only couple bumps and bruises.

But for Elizabeth Lodge she was one who held peace in the halls, that's why she was tolerated by everyone she had to stick with her group, because if she wonder off just for a second she would be target by other  groups and it just takes one second for something to happen. Like for starters the group who started up The Fight to Death Club club they had matches that went on after school that was happening out back of the school where everyone would go smoke and chill, everyone who was in that stupid club weared masks so no one can identify who was in this group!

Police had this under investigation for going on 3 weeks, student came to school all beaten all the time as the police found out who ever was on the ground at the end of the match is the loser, they would leave them on the ground and take off there mask for there identity to be seen. After going on a week the police busted down on something in there case and they were pulling students outta class and bringing them to the principal office for questioning. As you know they always started with the top 3 gangs in Monarch school district, they pulled all The Snakes in turning first period where one girl was being very suspicious with her body language and how she was talking, but no a cop who served his country for 15 years he didn't pick up on it, none of them did! So once she got let out to go back to class I stopped her,

I asked "Hey what's your name?"
She responded " My name is Paige I am with the Snakes and you have some balls for talking to me since I know your Elizabeth Lodge and your a Dragon!"

I replied back " Honey you don't know me, don't judge a book by it's cover. I was just trying to make a friend and see what all this fuse is about and yes I am Lodge as   I am Dragon too but that doesn't make me a threat, none of us are threat unless a threat is put into play! We can be friends and stop this shit from going on within the school walls as we all come together against the school or are you to much of a cry baby-badass to expect the facts that we all need help?"

It went silent for a minute as we are standing down the hall from the principal office, next thing you know the police found some of the gang that was starting The Fight To Death Group. They arrested 5 students from The Snake Gang as they were walking out of the office doors, Paige started to flip out because they had 5 of her brothers in hand cuffs as  the rest of The Snakes were being hold for questioning. As soon as the police officers walked out of Monarch school district doors. Paige turned around and looked at me with so much emotion on her face and within her body movement! She yells, "Elizabeth I am on board let's get our school back"

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