Part Four - "We All Are One"

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Well we all are one as we swear to oath on life and on our gangs names, " Now we all are equal as we all are one, we all are bonded to bring peace to this place as we do our mission. To bring back peace, love and kindness to our school throughout our nation plus with keeping our neighbors safe!"  As it keeps on processing in my head hoping that I didn't make a mistake and make the situation worst! As we all knew once we put that oath in place it was time for the real show to go down, it was time to get The Dragons, The Snakes and The Hawks all together in the same place.

We had Ranger and Khloe get the The Hawks together for a event called The Mud Drag Down Race where you go and race in mud pit and the last two had to wrestle, whoever goes down first wins! This event takes place at 6 where we will be having after party straight afterwards  at he Secret Underground Mansion. So Ranger and Khloe had to go and set that up for The Hawks as me and Paige  got The Dragons & The Snakes together for the after party at Paiges Secret Underground Mansion. That's where we all will meet in the middle for victory at least I hope it's for victory and not going to be a war! We all are supposed to meet Paiges Secret Underground Mansion around 8:00pm, we had at least seven hours before anything was going to happen and three hours left in this dumb school.

DING DING DING DING "the bell for end of lunch ringed"

It's time to go back to class oh goodies "not", this school is under a spell I feel like and it's just messed up! At least some teachers do care about there students but when they take something to the office nothing gets done because in the office it's messed up, they are the reason why this school is falling and going down a deep hole! What I mean by falling and going down a deep hole, is that they don't care about you they don't talk to you, they just automatically write you up with attention. Say you had a problem with someone and they caused you a issue but you didn't do nothing wrong! Well there's a attention slip, they don't care about anything they will write you up for just coming into the office and saying one word! If something seriously were to go down like it's going too at this school soon, it would be down on The Dragons, The Snake and The Hawks to do something  about it as we are the one's that have too save the school from sinking into a hole.

A song then pop into Elizabeth head that She wrote,
"Don't you give up on me___ when I am reaching for light__ to get out of the darkness_ to get outta my head, I be shaking as my heart be racing as I am chasing my dream, memories and motions headaches plus confusions, Shakiness and heartaches__ be taking over time for me to shine my love on the stage

Just Let me sing
Let me sing
Let me be the light
Please don't give up on me__
I'm just getting started
Let me SING______
Let me SING___________
Ooo Let me sing and be the light

Let me heal the shell tonight, don't you give up on me I am gonna shine___ I am gonna shine oooo just hold on now, it's gonna be bumpy just don't give up on me, please__"

I thought I was just singing in my head but no I was too spaced out I didn't even realized I singed in front of my classmates, everyone was staring at me and clapping even the teacher Mrs. Brown. I had all eyes and ears on me, I didn't know what to think I ran out of the classroom ran straight to the newspaper room knowing no one was there. I sat in the newspaper room with a bunch thoughts going across my mind, wondering if I am good enough, wondering why those people were clapping for me when half of them got me to quit what I loved most! So much is going through my mind, my heart is racing, I am not breathing normally. Although there was a plus at least I wasn't crying until my grandmother death pop into my mind, I never got to say goodbye to her the way I should have been allowed too. Now I am crying, my heart is racing and my breathing is going way to fast where it hurts, I am rocking back and worth as I am sitting on the ground! Next thing I know I hear the door knob turning "I couldn't look up to see who it was, I just couldn't I was stiff as a board in a rocking position, I heard footsteps coming towards me as I heard every second a footstep was made it was getting closer and closer to me as someone squat down beside me as they put there arms around me!" They said " Honey it's okay! Breath beautiful breath, take a few breaths, cry on my shoulder if you need too I am here for you"

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