Part Six - On The Road To Safety

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Ending of Part Five:
Half of the group were told to follow Alisha out of the woods with Elizabeth and the other half of the group was told to go back and monitor as they save anyone who was being hold against there own will, as Alisha was riding Spirit while Elizabeth was strapped on to Ruger at that time.

They were going so slow through the woods at a walk that's why Paige had half of the group following them through the woods, to make sure they all made it home safe and untouched but most importantly that Elizabeth made it home safe without being touched Alisha then Shouts out "Hey guys can you please go spot ahead, I thought I saw something up ahead in trees off to the left!" Ranger shouts out " YOU MEN COME WITH ME, his tone went down when he turned to talk to the Girls! He says "Females you stay and keep Alisha plus Elizabeth surrounded no matter of the coast, you understand?"

A member that's a girl from The Dragons step up as this one had never been known to say anything!
She goes to shout "you guys know me as Quite Black but actually my name is Sniper. You got it Ranger, you said no matter of the coast that means life and death girls, we gotta keep our Queen safe! Let's get her home no matter of the coast!"

The boys took off to go search the area in the woods on the left as they walking through the woods all the girls heard was complete silence until  it was a few minutes later they heard clicks, it sounded like two weapons were hitting each other. That's when Alisha yells out "GIRLS get into the woods ahead RIGHT NOW, we will stay there for 5 mins and wait to see if the boys come back ! If they don't come back soon we have to head out to bring our Queen Elizabeth home, safe and sound like Ranger said no matter of the coast."

They waited and waited as three minutes went by that's when they heard footsteps coming towards them as they heard a soft voice shouting out but no one could make out what they were saying so Alisha said " We gotta go, I can't make out what that person is shouting, we gotta go now! Run! Run! Run! Do not stop running!" As she whispered under her breath "Hold on Elizabeth we have to go please hold on, I can't lose you B! Please hold on!" Alisha knew Elizabeth was to drained mentally and physically to say anything back, soon as that was said Alisha kicked Spirit to go into canter as Ruger got that tuck from the lead he picked up into canter. They were cantering, going so fast through the woods until they saw the open meadow of a field up ahead, they started slowing the horses down as that open field marks there safety zone for Elizabeth!

That's when Alisha said " Everyone we wait here besides for Elizabeth and Sniper that's when Alisha walks up to Sniper and she said "Sniper I am trusting you, you need to get Elizabeth back to the doctor right away! Don't stop running Spirit and Ruger until you are back to the town safe and sound at her crib where the doctor is waiting for her, do you understand me?" Sniper said " You got it I will make sure Elizabeth gets home safe and sound, you guys be safe! Okay?" Alisha responded we will be safe we just need to wait for our people to return safely, I know that's what Elizabeth would want she doesn't leave anyone behind!"

"But you gotta go Sniper" that's when Alisha tapped on Spirits butt that's when Sniper road off to safety with Elizabeth! They were flying so fast going through the trees taking sharp turns to get Elizabeth home, that's when Sniper heard from a far distance screaming and bunch of chaos going on. Thoughts were passing through Sniper mind as she wished she could of turned back to help everyone out but she knew she was on a mission, Sniper knew she had to get Elizabeth back home! That does be a mission when she doesn't know why these men had such interest in Elizabeth and on why they kept her in a ditch too. That's when Elizabeth suddenly woke up enough, she opened her mouth to lick her lips from all the riding and being in that ditch with no water that's when Elizabeth started sitting up, next thing you know she said "Woah" to her horse Ruger that's when Sniper took a look back to seeing Elizabeth being wide awake and cautious on Ruger. Sniper stop the horses as she turned back to Elizabeth she said " Elizabeth you are safe, Alisha has me taking you back to your crib so the doctor can make you feel better, that's when Elizabeth interrupts her " No turn back I need to save them please turn back now, I can only stop them since I am out of that fucking ditch! That's when Elizabeth skin starts changing back to normal from being burnt. " You don't know this or no one does but  I am just not Queen Elizabeth, or a lodge or a leader of the groups in this town but I am the next Sources! I was put in that ditch as it had magic in it to train my magic, I know this is all new to you Sniper but I need to do this with you or without you!" Sniper replied " you are setting me up for a death wish aren't you Elizabeth? Don't say anything to that but yes Elizabeth, I will help you as long as you help me when this over with please to make sure they all know the real you and that I am not the one who decide this, you did!" Elizabeth said  "Of course now we gotta go like right now!"

They both started racing back to the open meadow field, the wind was blowing against them as Elizabeth then said this way, we gotta go left! Sniper was so confused but she knew not to question Elizabeth they were cantering down the path that's when Elizabeth says" Stop they are right there,  they are fighting the people who took me!" She canter out to the middle as she yelled " STOP" everyone was looking at her with confusion because she was in such a horrible state but she looks so healthy now with her burns gone away, that's when Elizabeth walks up closer to the group of men who took her. Elizabeth then turns to them as she threw down a chem on the ground right in front of them, she said face me and whoever does face me let there destiny now be decided for them.

That's when Elizabeth had fire coming out of her hands as she start going up into the air, a dude walks up to her with bow as he about to shoot it at Elizabeth that's when she threw a fire ball it went straight in front of the dude completely missing him but landing in front of him that's when he yells out " this girls is fucking crazy, what she is doing right now is fucking crazy if we all wanna live we have to forget about this girl and we leave now!" That's when the leader of there group speaks up he yells out "No we aren't leaving her we kill all her people, we get her chained up with our magic blockage chains. We need her, she is special she is the next beginning for the salvation of this world!"

That's when Elizabeth yells at everyone " leave now, these guys want a war they sure will get one! No one is getting hurt on my watch" that's when the guys group started charging at Elizabeth's people she knew she had to keep her people save that's when Elizabeth turned into a full Sourcers as she had light glowing off her so bright less then a second, boom everyone that was charging at her people was down on the ground! That's when Elizabeth started going down from being in the air as her feet touched the ground everyone was looking at her with there mouth open of shock, no one was saying nothing that's when Elizabeth whistled for Ruger he came running he didn't even stop! Elizabeth grabbed the horn of the saddle when Ruger was in full sprint and jumped on that's when she was off, she had a rage of emotions thinking everyone is scared of her now that's when Alisha whistles for Spirit she jumped on him and she was off after Elizabeth!

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