Part Three - Dragon & Snake

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So two crime Stoppers that were in different Gang groups came together as  Paige fearfully wanted to come together with  Elizabeth to get to the bottom of the case of The Fight to death club, so her people can stop being hold for questioning and so we can get our school back! It was just matter of time to get everyone on the same page, Elizabeth and Paige had to come together in the newspaper room to come up with ideas to bring everyone together. It's more like getting ready for battle if stuff doesn't come into place and work out!

Paige suggested to Elizabeth "Hey to get everyone together in the same room we are gonna have to plan something big, like let's say we throw a party at my Secret Underground Mansion! We can get everyone to come together and we would have to send them through different entirety ways through the tunnels until they all meet in the middle to where we would be! How is that for a thought?"

Elizabeth went silent for a minute as she was thinking, she thought the plan was good but it need some spice added to it so she responded! "Yeah that does work but we need to add some spice into this, like let's say we are hosting three separate events. Then we can have a after party where they all will meet us in the middle but we need leverage for The Hawks so we need to get The Hawks Leader on the same page, Okay?

Paige said " Great thinking Elizabeth, this is going to work out I just have a great feeling!"

We were determined for our plan to work we just had to come up with something good to get him on the same page at least I belive it's a him. We made a plan to offer The Hawks a position, we just had to get our groups together for this plan to work out! We had to find a way to keep The Hawks busy as we talked to there leader, the quickest thing we knew that would work is starting a fight but The Dragons and The Snakes were tag teaming  up against The Hawks all at once while Elizabeth and Paige were sent to go find there leader. We had everything set up and ready to go as planned, we were just waiting on the fourth bell to ring and it felt like forever in a day just  sitting in a classroom full of people knowing half them caused hell for me most of my life! I am still confused and don't understand why? So many thoughts are processing through my head, thinking of the hurt I got put through to being stab in the back, to almost not being here sitting in this classroom not being able to see, hear, smell, breath or talk to anyone around you. I only had my group The Dragons, they were my family in school. They brought me out of my most lost and terrible point in life, they saved me when I almost ended my life for the Third time in 2018, where I was going to hang myself off this old tree by the Monarchs docs. They didn't have to stop to see if I was okay as I was setting up where I was gonna hang myself but they sure did, Charlie is the one who stopped me and cut the rope. He was the light that God sent down for him to save me, I just wish I had the same chance to save him too!

Not much people know and or they don't wanna talk about Charlie since he went missing last year because Charlie was the Leader of The Dragons  in 2018 when he saved me but he also had kind heart and helped everyone! He saved me further than I expected him too and I became his Queen Dragon, he said to me within oath if he goes missing I am the one to lead The Dragons. In July 2018 durning the warm summer nights, us kids always had our bonfires going as we all gathered together for sleepovers with the group and we would get fucked up an not remember shit the next day! Well one summer night things took a turn it was July 11 just three days before my birthday on July 14, a fight broke out between me and Charlie we both were fighting about how Charlie was selling drugs on the side lines for extra money. Charlie got way to deep into selling drugs for some dude called  The Dog, he told me that The Dog is gonna kill him if he doesn't keep on producing and selling his drugs.

I told him I was gonna do something about it but Charlie flipped out as he said we were over, he was done with The Dragons and he wanted to leave before anyone got hurt by protecting him for his wrong doings! Idk where Charlie went after that night but I did try to follow him into the woods but like he said he was done with me. He pushed me back and told me to stay away and to never look for him ever again! A piece of my heart was broken and the other piece was stolen that night, he was the one to safe me it was just to late to save him no matter what I did. I listened to him and stayed away for months until there was  rumors being said he was alive and some that he is dead by The Dog. I still don't know the truth but I do miss my king Charles, either way i know if he's alive or if he is dead he needs to be brought home to his land and to his people! I just don't know where to begin!!

"Oh there's the bell I need to go meet up with The  Dragons and The Snakes!" "Did I just say that out loud or speak that in my head, am I going crazy okay fuck just forget about it let go do our mission!"
Elizabeth walked out of the classroom to rush to go find Paige, they all were supposed to meet in the middle of hallway in front of cafeteria to go over last minute discussions before we all spilt up to go do our part. Everyone knew what they had to do, they all spilt off in there own ways. Paige and Elizabeth went left through the far end doors, The Dragon were to hold off in the middle as The Snakes were told to go around on the right side through the theater doors that go into the lunch room. Everyone was set and ready to go now it was time for The Snakes to make the first move and getting the The Hawks to go out the middle doors, The Snakes made the first punch BAM there goes down one Hawk and now it was time to fight! BAM BAM BAM BAM is all I heard! Me and Paige were running as we saw a girl and guy running away from The Hawks, we were running and running, then finally they stopped in far end theater room. No where to go only out the door they went through, Elizabeth goes and put her hand on the door knob and turns it she yells out loud " Don't hurt us we are coming in to talk about offering you guys a position!"

"They replied back to come in!"

Elizabeth and Paige walks in slowly, as Elizabeth tells Paige to get behind her as kept there distant from them. Paige stood by the door as Elizabeth was talking and walking back and worth in front of the classroom as The Hawks Leaders were in the back by the big heater vents.

Elizabeth says " We need your guys help and we have position to offer you guys if you will help, you can't tell your group because they are gonna consider you weak we need to get The Hawks all together to meet us down at Paige's  Secret Underground mansion, it's the only place that no one knows about! We need to get them all there, you need to send The Hawks down the Southwest tunnel as our groups will be going down the other two tunnels the Northeast and the Northwest. We four will be there in the middle to where the groups will meet once again. We need you guys to get back our school to get the cops gone, because we already have proof of who's apart of The Fight to Death Club! Me and Paige will deal with the police but we all need to work together so we can have our school back! The position we both are offering is peace within our groups, no more drug products at school as The Snakes agreed to the same and your group controls the South side of the school, we all work together on busting down crime! Does this sound like something you guys can agree with and I don't think we got your guys names either as we told you our!

The Hawks Leaders said, " My name is Ranger and this is Khloe, we will take the position! Only if we get one thing straight, no selling drugs at school but we can sell drugs on our side of the town to keep us going?"

Elizabeth response back with hesitation, as she goes to say " Yes I might regret this in later time but yes this is how this is going to work for now! Until I can offer another position for the drug dealing to stop because we all get in trouble and it time to grow up, it's time to get the fuck away from drugs but for now Yes I can agree to that!"

Elizabeth and Paige had the contract all written out and all ready for signatures! Elizabeth pokes her finger places it down, straight after was Paige and then The Hawks Leaders Ranger & Khloe did it at the same time poke,  as all fourth finger prints on paper and now we all have a oath to stick too!

Elizabeth says Repeat after me " Now we all are equal as we all are one, we all are bonded to bring peace to this place as we do our mission. To bring back peace, love and kindness to our school throughout our nation plus with keeping our neighbors safe!"

After that oath was put in place, it was time for the shit show to begin!! To be continued...

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