Part 8 - Mysterious Boy

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Elizabeth then says " They are trying to leave!!
Wait a second Alisha look who is that's mysterious looking boy right there, he looks familiar" Alisha takes a good look at the boy that's when she suddenly looks at Paige in shock and confusion she turns backs to look at Elizabeth as she was trying to say something but it wouldn't come out so Alisha cleared her throat as she said " Elizabeth ah I don't know how to tell you this but I believe that might be Charlie"

Elizabeth is in shock, she has a rage of emotions taking over her, she gets up from a squatting position and shouts out loud " Charlie" the mysterious boy started looking around to find out who shouted his name that's when Elizabeth suddenly appears out of the bushes and she says " Charlie How fucking dare you! You are the one who held me hostage? Why? After two years wondering if you are save, you do this to me? Why did you come after me when you told to never look for you ever again? Why why why Charlie" Elizabeth is in tears, her skin is red as her breathing is going twenty miles per second that's when Charlie walks over to Elizabeth in Shock as he says " what the fuck are you doing here? If my boss sees you he will have you died up in chains quicker than shit! You need to leave now!"

Elizabeth says" Fuck you, the only way I am leaving is with you! You left me thinking hell took over you, if you are gonna live this fucking life I will do it too but I am not going anywhere without you even if I have to dye you up on the horse or I will just stay here and get tortured, it's your choice remember TikTok you don't want the boss knowing that I am here!" Charlie is complicating if he should leave or stay as he turns his head over to look that everyone is going in every direction then next you know he spotted the boss as he rushes over to the girls and say " Get down the boss is now here, I will go with you guys okay but we need to move quickly"

They were going through the woods down the path Paige lead the girls to come up to the camp as they get on the horses they saw men scouting out the woods that's when Charlie said " Guys we need to go the long way around, we need to go up hill and then back down hill" Elizabeth was sketch out didn't really want to listen to Charlie but she knew they still had connection because Charlie left with them because he didn't want Elizabeth to get hurt so Elizabeth then says " Alright we will go the long way around" that's when Paige turned Spirit around with Alisha on him as she looked into Elizabeth eyes with shock!

Paige wanted to say something but she knew the conversation wasn't up to discuss, so she carried on to following Elizabeth. They were traveling up hill that's suddenly when Charlie was moving around in the saddle as he  grabs ahold of Elizabeth stomach that's when Elizabeth shouted out loud " STOP CHARLIE" That's when Paige and Alisha turned over as they were worried about Elizabeth and Alisha says " Is everything alright? Everything was chill until you shouted Elizabeth, what's wrong?"
Elizabeth took a deep breath and said "Paige get on Ruger  with me please and Charlie please ride with Alisha" That's when she turns to Alisha as she gave her this look, Alisha knew that look so she didn't say anything besides to Charlie as she said  " Hurry up get on Spirit, I wanna get home"

They were traveling for awhile as they came across the open field that was down below, as they were still on the top of the mountain they had about forty miles to go tell they were home. All of them were heading down from the mountain that's when Paige saw Charlie and Elizabeth suddenly looking back at each other as they are going down the pathway, it was every few minutes they both would look back. Until Alisha saw they were gazing into each other's eyes every few minutes she goes up to Elizabeth and she whispered into her ear " Girl you still like him, I can tell" Elizabeth yells " NO I DON'T"

That's suddenly when Elizabeth kicks Ruger and they were off in a full sprint as Paige is holding onto Elizabeth waist she goes to speak into her ear
"Elizabeth slow down, let's talk about this please we can't leave them behind! That's your best friend back there with your Ex lover" Elizabeth suddenly pulls Ruger to a stop as she telling him to woah, she jumps off her horse and was in panic. Alisha jumped off the back of Ruger walked over to Elizabeth and said " let's talk" soon as Paige said that Elizabeth started Ranting " I do love Charlie I always will, he's always had a piece of my heart that's so hard to replace, he saved me Paige when I was at my lowest point in life. I am just a fucking wreck I would love to get home now"

Shortly after Elizabeth said that Alisha and Charlie came galloping up Charlie jumps off Spirit and runs over to Elizabeth as he said " Are you okay?" Elizabeth was debating on what to say, she turns towards Charlie and said " I'm fine, can we go please!" That's when Alisha walks up as she says " Elizabeth your not okay, I know what's wrong but I am not gonna break the news to everyone, so you have choice let's go home in complete silence and awkwardness or let's talk about this and have a lovely trip back!" Elizabeth turned to Alisha with aggression as she yells " I am not in the fucking mood to talk but if you want go ahead and chat away to everyone I don't fucking care anymore Alisha, I am done and have fucking had it. So let's go before I lose my shit completely on you, I thought we were fucking sisters and you said that shit!" Alisha didn't know what to do as she knows Elizabeth hardly gets this mad, she goes to say " We are sister and I am sorry but I know your feelings and I know you to fucking well, you haven't been yourself since we saw Charlie and you know why that is and  Paige does too!" That's when Paige broke into the conversation as she said " Alisha don't bring me into this, you set up your own trap saying what you did in her ear and this now!"

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