Part Seven- Challenging Pathways

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Ending of Part Six-
That's when Elizabeth started going down from being in the air as her feet touched the ground everyone was looking at her with there mouth open of shock, no one was saying nothing that's when Elizabeth whistled for Ruger he came running he didn't even stop! Elizabeth grabbed the horn of the saddle when Ruger was in full sprint and jumped on him then "boom" she was off, she had a rage of emotions, her heart was beating so fast thinking everyone is scared of her, shortly after Elizabeth jumped on Ruger that's when Alisha whistles for Spirit she jumped on him and she was off after Elizabeth!

Elizabeth was going so fast on Ruger as she was curving him smoothly through the paths of the trees even though Alisha was so far behind, Spirit was running with all his force as he was trying to keep up. Elizabeth was still ahead about ten miles as Ruger is going so fast with all his power knowing something was wrong with his owner. Alisha saw Paige zoom straight by on motorcycle, she told her horse to woah as they slowly went into a stop thats when Alisha yelled " Paige you go after her please!"After Paige heard that she was off! Alisha and Spirit needed to relax for a little so she leaned back into the saddle with her back arch back that's when she leaned back fully to put her head on Spirits butt!

Paige was struggling for a minute with the trees to keep up with Elizabeth as she was on motorcycle, until Paige saw Elizabeth sitting on Ruger crying her heart out up by the waterfall. That's when Paige rolled up on her motorcycle and said " Elizabeth I love you, many people love  you! We don't look at you differently we were just shocked you hold that secret in about yourself!" Elizabeth turned her head over to Paige as she was lost for words that's when Paige Said "Please talk to me or at least someone please I beg you, I was scared shitless wondering why you took off like that on Ruger, wondering what thoughts were going through your head to make you take off like that hun but one thing you need to know and it's just not me but Alisha was on Spirit, she was running after you she tried so hard to keep up but she couldn't reach you, if she not at the bottom of the hill still she could almost be here! So my Queen, you see everyone wanted to come after you but you are our Queen, we didn't allow anyone too come after you as me and Alisha knows you don't take off like this! We all love you Elizabeth, we love you so much love!" Paige stop talking as she heard stick crackling behind her that's when she turned around and she saw Alisha was walking up the pathway with her horse. As she gets to the top of the waterfall that's when Alisha jumped off her horse, she runs over to Elizabeth as she yells " Bitch don't ever take off like that again, I mean this please don't EVER fucking do that again."

That's when Alisha burst out crying as she goes to lay her head on Elizabeth shoulder as she is squeezing her tight! Alisha says "Please I beg you I can't risk losing you again."

That's when Elizabeth clear her throat, as she getting ready to talk " I am sorry I took off like that, I didn't even know I was Sources until I woke up on Ruger. I felt this power when I woke up that's maybe why those men took me, I saw piles of drugs there and when I was there I heard a voice that I recognize. I don't know why I have this power but I pretty sure these men do, I need to go back to them to see why they had so much of interest in me!"

Paige and Alisha both shouted" Elizabeth you are not going alone you will have a group go with you.

Elizabeth said " NO! I am the Queen I make and say the orders around here, I am saying this as your Queen right now that you guys aren't coming with me! I love you both so dearly but I can't risk anyone else getting hurt trying to save me, I love you guys a lot and I love our people a lot but I can't ask you guys do this with me!"

Alisha steps in as she says" Elizabeth you don't have to ask us to do this with you, you wanna know why it's because you always had me and Paige in your corner even when we were kids. Yeah I know we all forgot about each other as we drifted away and I remember Paige didn't want anything to do with us at the time but in reality sis none of us are going nowhere. You can try to push us away but we will still keep on following you Elizabeth, so as your other half I am telling you we aren't going no where!"

Elizabeth turns her head away as she was looking straight ahead in the wood, all she hears is the water dropping as she turns slightly over to Alisha and Paige she says " Fine I hear it in both of your voices that you guys won't leave me be so with that being said, Paige hope on Ruger with me and Alisha follow behind on Spirit!"

They were off headed back into danger for answers on why those men had such a interested on Elizabeth and to see which voice she recognized when she was there in that ditch. The wind is blowing against the girls hair as they're galloping through the tree and suddenly Alisha yells " Stop we need to get off the horses and go the rest on foot, we are almost there to where Elizabeth was held hostage!" They got off the horses and walked over to a firm tree to tied the horses up as Paige got distracted and started wondering off, Alisha and Elizabeth were gathering stuff from the saddle bags as Paige shouted " Hey over here, this is the path I went to save you Elizabeth with Alisha" Everyone was off as they were walking down the pathways they see the camp, all of them were going in every direction trying to hurry up and pack stuff up.

Elizabeth then says " They are trying to leave!!
Wait a second Alisha look who is that's mysterious looking boy right there, he looks familiar" Alisha takes a good look at the boy that's when she suddenly looks at Paige in shock and confusion  she turns backs to look at Elizabeth as she was trying to say something but it wouldn't come out so Alisha cleared her throat as she said " Elizabeth ah I don't know how to tell you this but I believe that might be Charlie"

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