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When Nick's consciousness started to return, he found himself not in his room anymore. He was lying down on some sort of stone platform. "Ow, my head!"

He stood up, clutching his head. Good thing he still has his glasses on, or else he'll have the headache and the dizziness worse than how he has it right now. Alright Nick, try not to throw up! Once he regained composure, he was able to take a better look around the place he was in right now. And right now he's in... Space? "Hello? Anybody here? Where am I?"

"We have been waiting for your arrival, Nick Allen Sanders."

Nick turned around and faced five figures in long white robes with gold trims that reached down to their legs, an elegant night blue cape, and dark blue sash wrapped around their waists. Three of them are males, while the other two are females.

They all look like they're mixed in generations. The youngest was the man that looked he was in his late 20s. The second youngest, was a woman in her 30s. The other woman look like she was around her 40s. There was also a man in his late 50s. And the oldest, was a man nearing 70s. He would easily be identified as the leader of the team, judging by the difference of his attire from the rest. He was wearing a golden necklace of a sword, and his sash has red details and gold trims.

"Who are you?" Nick blurted out.

"We are the Saberinths, guardians of the multiverse," The eldest female replied. "Surely, our associate that we have sent to give the you our message have already told you that, correct?"

"You mean that crazy old guy that looked like Stan Lee and made me abandon my lunch just to listen to him? Yes," Nick's eyes then widened when realization hit him. "Wait! Did you just say 'the Saberinths, guardians of the multiverse'? You're basically gods?"

"Yes, Nick. We did. And no, we're not gods, just guardians." the man that was in his late 50s chuckled.

Nick couldn't believe what's happening right now. He thought that the man from earlier during lunch was crazy. He started to hyperventilate. "He was telling the truth," Nick whispered to himself. "So, one question. Was it really Stan Lee that came to my school? But he's dead! He's dead for like, two years- wait! If that really was Stan Lee, does that mean that I'm also dead? Oh no, no, no-"

"Whoa, whoa! Nick, calm down! You're not dead!" the youngest lady laughed. Nick visibly sighed in relief. That's good news... I think.

"And yes, Nick. It was indeed Stan Lee. But he's not the Stan Lee of your universe," the leader of the group added.

"I'm gonna need a breather." Nick sat down on the ground. The Saberinths could only watch in amusement, watching how Nick is currently acting. "So do you have individual names, or am I just supposed to call you 'Saberinths'?"

"Oh, right! Where are our manners," The leader laughed. "My name is Han, headmaster of the Saberinths."


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