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Nick decided that it was a nice Saturday afternoon to take a walk back home.

Well actually, he's walking with Heather.

When Nick told his friends that he was going home, she said she wanted to walk with him since they live only three blocks apart. The rest teased her about it, saying that she only wanted to have an alone time with him. And with that, Heather followed Nick down the street with a very red face. And Nick took advantage of it, continuing to torment her about her blushing face. Not to mention, cute and beautiful, he thought.

"You know, I still don't get it why you blush all of a sudden when I'm with you," Nick chuckled. "You still sure it's not because you're thinking-"

"Nick, for the last time, that's not what I was thinking about!" Heather playfully punched him in the arm, still blushing hard.

"Again, just kidding!" Nick raised his arm in surrender. He then rubbed the spot in his arm where she punched him "Wow, you pack a punch. Have you been going to gym lately?"

"No. Well now that I think about it, I haven't been jogging for a week already. Damn all these school projects and the prom," she rambled.

"Still the same body-conscious Heather, huh?"

"Well, you can't really blame me if I wanted to keep my figure."

"What's wrong with gaining a little more weight?"

"It's called being 'healthy', Nick."

"Being healthy, or maintaining what do you girls call it again? 'Beach Body'?"

"Just because summer is coming, Nick, doesn't mean that's my purpose on keeping how my body looks," Heather laughed. Nick laughed along, placing his hands behind his back. He let a happy whistling tune escape his mouth, looking around the place.

"I miss this," He said softly.

"Miss what?" Heather asked, glancing at him.

"Spending time alone with you," Nick said, locking eyes with her. She can already feel her face heat up again.

"Yeah. I miss this too," Heather sighed softly, quickly looking away. Her vision turned distant and longing. She thought about the times back when they were still together.

Nick noticed her look, and suddenly felt a pang of pain in his chest. He sighed sadly, looking at back the scenery around them. "I wish we could be like that again," he whispered to himself.

Heather heard what Nick whispered, though. "Could we? Could we really go back to how we used to be?"

Nick quickly looked at her, surprised that she heard his whisper. He hesitated on what to say, careful to not upset her in anyway. He then decided to look away from her. "I don't honestly know."

"Why can't we?" She looked back at him, her eyes displaying hurt emotions. This made him feel bad even more now. He does not want to make her cry. He never wanted to make her cry. Throughout their relationship, Nick has never done something to hurt Heather in anyway possible. That is how loving and caring he really is for her. The only time he had made her cry was when he broke up with her. Please don't cry. Not right now.

Nick slowly stopped in his tracks, closing his eyes and hanging his head low. "If it was only that easy to tell you Heather, I would. But it's too complicated for me to explain right now."

"Let me guess. Whatever that is, it's the reason why you have been avoiding almost everyone recently?"

Nick hesitated to for a second. "In a way, yeah."

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