Antagonists and Special Visitors

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Lunch break. Perfect time to be alone.

Nick has always been the one to prefer being alone. He may have friends and have time to hang out with them, but not during lunch. He considers lunch break as his time to reminisce about the lessons discussed during his morning schedule classes. Or, if he's not thinking about the lessons, he's always reflecting on his life, on what has transpired in his 17 years of existence.

Nick was on his way to the cafeteria when someone bumped into him.

"Watch where you're going, jackass!"

"Watch where you're going, jackass!"

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[Taylor Lautner as Vincent Dekker]

Vincent Dekker, also a 12th grader, the school's resident bully, and Nick's greatest antagonist. For some unknown reason, Vincent developed a bad blood against him. Everybody in the school could only guess that he hates Nick because he always manages to outmatch and outshine Vincent. But Nick, he doesn't really care much about Vincent. Although, he's one of the main reasons that he wants to leave USA.

Shit, I don't have time for this. Nick thought and rolled his eyes. "I believe that you were the one that bumped into me, so you are the one who should watch were you are going, jackass." Nick retorted.

"You are on my hallway, shitbrain," Vincent growled.

"Really? I don't see your name anywhere in this hallway. Do you have any supporting documents that this really is your hallway? Because as far as I know, this hallway is school property," Nick retorted, feigning innocence.

"Getting smart on me, are you now?" Vincent said, sending a death glare while starting to get closer towards Nick.

"Is that even a question? I mean, I'm not the one to brag, but I have always been the smarter one between the two of us since 7th grade," Nick smirked. He's always good at getting into Vincent's nerves and he doesn't need to curse at him to hit the spot that would set him off. He has his wits.

Vincent was getting angry at this point that he started clenching his fist. This motion only served for Nick's smirk to widen. Looks like I hit a nerve again.

"Listen up, punk. You've been testing my patience. You think you're brave? You think your position as the President would help you against me? Bullshit! You don't know who you're up against. Why don't we let our fist do the talking and settle this here and now? Watcha say?" Vincent taunted in a low, growling voice. While Nick, on the other hand, huffed in annoyance and pretended to check the time in his watch.

"As much as I want to be your entertainment, I have more important things to do, like to eat lunch since it's lunch break and I am hungry. But if you're really that desperate to punch me, then be my guest."

"All right, that's it!" Vincent raised his right arm got ready to loose the punch.

"Mr. Dekker!"

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