Chapter 8. Universe at Stake

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"What kind of danger is the universe in exactly?" Rick was sceptic.

"Your universe is slowly being erased out of existence by um- how do I explain this? By a virus." Deka looked over to Lydia.

"A Virus?" Lydia was confused.
"Our universe?" Rick questioned.

Deka sighed. "I'm not from this universe, that's why I keep referring it to 'your' universe. I'm from beyond the stars, from another place far from here," Deka tried explaining.

"Really?" Lydia was amazed.

"Then what are you?" Rick questioned. "I'm the creator of the universe you were born in and the creator of the atoms in the rain I created with my blood. I have made everything with a purpose and that is all about to be gone, all of my life's work," Deka said.

Their mouths dropped; they were speechless!

"And it's because of an immensely powerful virus! It's corrupting the system!" Deka was frurious.
"This universe is----the system?" Lydia guessed.

"Yes, I made this universe work into a specific system, almost like a computer. The Gods are supposed to keep everything in order and protect life from the viruses, but this virus is too powerful... All of the saved data, basically every single atom of this universe would be saved into the book... the BOOK!
You were the last one who had the book, that's why I came for you!" Deka exclaimed.


"Yes! I need you to bring me to the book so I can bring it back to where it was removed!" Deka said.

"It was removed from where?" Rick asked.

"Someone removed it from the roots of the tree of Unity, that connected around the whole universe, saving all of the data into the book. I have no idea how it was possibly removed, but I need to put it back into the roots so I can restart it... before the whole universe is erased forever!" Deka explained.

"Woah," Rick was overwhelmed.

"Secrets of the universe?" Lydia asked.

"What?" Deka was confused.

"The book, is it 'Secrets of the universe'?" Lydia wondered.

"Oh! Yes, that's what it's called!" Deka was pleased. "Do you know where it is? Because I can see you were the last one who had it," Deka asked, looking down at Lydia.

"It's on Universe Midway, At the temple of Unity." Lydia answered.

"Ah, Universe Midway, the core of the universe!" Deka got excited.

"That legend is true?" Rick asked.

"Yes! It's the planet in the complete center of the galaxy, the core which holds the heart of the universe. All of life and death circling and creating unity." Deka explained.

"That's incredible," Rick said.

"It is... what happened to the people who were punished?" Lydia wondered.

"They're dead now," Deka replied. "Oh..." Lydia felt bad.

"Your friend saved you," Deka looked over to Rick. "Who is she to you?"

"She's my little sister, I'd do anything to protect her," Rick answered.

"Your little sister? Huh, interesting," Deka said.

"Well we have no time to waste! let's go to Universe Midway, shall we? Grab my hand!" She ordered.

Lydia took her hand and Rick took her other. She jumped as she burst out of the atmosphere with them holding on! They were all protected by a shield she formed in front of them that was invisible. "This is incredible!" Rick exclaimed with amazement as they traveled through the universe.
Deka chuckled. "This is crazy!" Lydia was struggling to hold on.

Deka passed by planets and stars within a few seconds.
She was almost as fast as light! She suddenly stops In front of Universe Midway and stare at it. "Oh, how beautiful it has gotten," Deka admired.

She flew down as they gentle landed in front of the Mansion Lydia grew up in. "I grew up here," Lydia mentioned.

"Really? You must know the place then, lead the way!" Deka replied.

"But what will I say to them? They would freak," Lydia asked.

"They're be happy to see you, Lydia. Just say Deka is one of your friends," Rick suggested.

"They'll be happy to see you too silly!" Lydia playfully hit his arm.

"Ow!" Rick felt hurt.

"You can say she's your friend instead," Lydia said as she walked to the door.

"Uh... okay," Rick felt awkward.
Deka thought it was cute how they interacted with each other.

Lydia knocked on the door as Muffin opened it. "Lydia?" She was surprised to see her.

"Hey! I missed you so much!" Lydia greeted. "It's so nice to see y'all, come in!" Muffin moved out of the way. "So, what are you all doing here?" They all walked in.

"I'm off planet because of the war, did you hear about it?" Lydia told.
"Oh, yes! It's just horrible," Muffin replied. "Who- Who's your new friend?"

"She's a work friend!" Rick said as he put his arm over her shoulder.
Deka smiled awkwardly.

"Look's like more then just a work friend," Muffin replied.
Rick removed his arms and cleared his throat awkwardly.
Deka tried not to laugh.

"Well make yourselves at home!" Muffin said as she walked off.

"Come with me," Lydia told Deka as she walks to the Temple's room.
She enters and looks for the drawer. She spots it and rushes to it! Deka and Rick walk over to watch Lydia get it. Lydia grabbed the dusty unicorn and put its horn into the keyhole.

She turned it as the door unlocks and she pulls it open. "Oh, what did they do to you Jessica?" Deka noticed the Unicorn and took it from Lydia's hands.
Lydia grabbed the book out and stared at it. "I haven't seen it in ages," Rick said.

Lydia put it into Deka's view. Deka hands Rick the unicorn and grabs the book. She opens it and looks threw the pages making sure it's all there. She finds the one page torn from the book. "Why is this torn??" Deka was concerned.

"There's a lot behind that story," Rick said.

"My stepfather tore it out so no one could get their hands on it," Lydia said.

Deka looked at what was on the page as it clicked in her head. "He was planning on using us to gain that power, but I ended up gaining it..." Lydia explained.

"You-? You have this power?" Deka was intrigued.


"This ritual was made if I ever needed to save the data into a psychical being and place it into their DNA. The energy which this universe is made of you now have control over because you are now one with it!" Deka told.

"That's all it is?" Lydia was interested.

"Yes," Deka said.

"Wow, are you going to bring it back to the roots?" Lydia questioned.

"Yes, I should go do that before it's too late... thanks for reminding me!" Deka said as she rushed out of the room.

"Bye!" Rick and Lydia exclaimed.

She flies off planet to the left of the universe. It was all white and cold, full of snow. She eventually finds the pampered tree swallowed by the snowstorm. She goes to where the book was plucked and kneels.
But the tree slowly gets erased infront of her eyes!

She knows there is no time to put the book in place and then activate it, so she panics!
The whole tree gets erased out of existence before her eyes as it erased the ground as well. It slowly got to the book as Deka watched the tip disappear. She throws the book away so that it would not get erased any more!

She watches the ground as it slowly spreads by seconds, making the universe smaller. Deka's heart drops from fear! She runs and grabs the book off the ground and quickly flies away!

She does not know what to do now, the only thing that could connect the universe together... was now gone.

Alternate Worlds - Secrets Of The Universe - Volume 2 Where stories live. Discover now