Chapter 9. 2000

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Deka looked up at the sky and saw a meteor fall down to earth!

She lived in the middle of nowhere in Alaska.
Deka is a Native American who grew up poor, but her smarts got her into a professional collage.

Deka quickly grabs her bag of supplies and a camera for journaling. She runs through the forest looking above at the smoke from the crash.
She eventually finds the crash site and sees something strange.

The ground had blue electric coming in and out from the meteor.
The meteor was very strange looking... it was a cube half buried into the dirt from the impact.
It was a case holding something within, and within was a blue energy radiating and pulsing.

Deka thought this was very unordinary and quickly took a picture of it.
She decided to walk closer as she steps foot into the electric ground. The electricity runs up and through her leg but doesn't affect her.

She goes in to touch the cube as she could feel heat coming off of it.
As Deka touched the cube the energy within burst out! It went through her body forcing her to fall! She falls into the electricity as it shocks her aggressively!
She screams for her life as the burst scared birds.

"What's-s-s happening to me?!" She exclaims as the shock paralyzed her.

She wakes up dizzy and light-headed. She struggled to get her vision focused. Her body felt shaky and unstable. She struggled to get up and sees the cube in front of her. She notices it is no longer glowing with energy.
She takes it and places it into her bag. She runs off into the woods heading back home, leaving her camera behind by mistake. She was frightened by the experience and tried not to think about it until she got back.

A search team had found the site but didn't see the meteor. They look around for anything and find the camera.

"Ma'am! Someone's been here before us!" He held up the camera high.

The leader took it from his hands and observed it. "Get these pictures printed at once!" She ordered.

Deka made it back to her house as the moon was rising.
She grabbed the cube out from her bag and placed it on her table.
"What are you?" She questioned.
Her body was in shock as her muscles felt tight and her skin tingly. She looked at her arm and noticed her veins were abnormally bright blue.

It freaked her out but she knocked it off. She went to bed. The next day she brought the cube down to her basement which was her.

Small samples on her desk glowed fire in the dark.

She turns on the light and places the cube on her desk and observes it.

She had been working on an experiment she's been trying to perfect for years. She is trying to make it possible to manipulate energies into fluids (Heavy Gases).
So far she has done well, but not every energy was successful.
She has successfully fluidized solar light, it was the biggest thing she had accomplished!
She could change the world with it!

Deka had accidently pricked her finger as a drop of blood fell. She went to attend her wound but saw the cut heal within an instinct with her own eyes! She stared at it shocked. "What the hell??"

She salvaged the blood drop and put it under a microscope. She looked close and saw something strange. Her blood cells were an off blue as the blue was moving on its own in a circle. The blue was keeping the cell from dying!
There was only a few pieces she could put together in this situation.

Deka quickly got out a lense that she looked through to see certain energies. She saw a odd blue energy radiating from her skin that was never there before.
She grabs out her fluidizing gun and placed her arm near a bottle so that the fluid would drop into it. She turns the device on as it fluidizes the energy coming from her body as instead falling, it floats up!
Deka was frustrated, she did not know how to gather the energy. She looks over at the cube.

"This energy was inside that thing, it must be able to hold it," She observed the cube and saw one hole in the center of the cube on each side. She gets a driller and starts to drill down one of the holes!
Once she gets through she puts her finger near the hole and aims the device at it. She activates it as the energy from her finger willingly gets sucked into the hole! "Yes!" She rejoiced.

she quickly puts tape over the hole hoping it'll stay.

Later that day Deka's mother had come over to check on her and brought a basket full of apples.
Deka was busy at the moment and intrigued by the cube that her mother had to come down to the lab to chat.

"I brought apples!" Mother announces happily.

Deka had her finger over the tape watching the energy react to her touch. "You know I don't like apples mom!" Deka said.

"Oh, but I just have too many to eat alone!" Mother replied.

"But I hate them! Donate them or something," Deka suggested.

"They were donated to me; I can't do that!" Mother said.

"But why were they donated to you in the first place?" Deka asked.

"I'm old Honey, giving to the old is the nice thing now n' days," Mother replied. "Just eat one for me at least!"

"I told you already! I HATE APPLES!" Deka fused.

Mother gave up and walked out the room. Deka sighed and looked at the cube. She saw something small floating in it. She looked closer and saw a mini apple.
"What the?" She was confused.
She grabbed some tweezers and grabbed it out from the cube. She placed it under the microscope, it looked real!
She grabbed a small knife and carefully cut it in half. Both sides fell as she could see the seeds and juice!
"Did I just make this?" She was amazed.
She rushed to the cube and put her finger on the tape. She closed her eyes and focused on something she wanted to craft.
She opens her eyes and looks. She sees a small body of a human floating and wiggling! "Oh my god!" She couldn't believe it. "Mom, get down here!" Deka exclaimed.
Her mom quickly rushed down. "What is it?" She questioned.

"Look at what I just did! I made a living human with the energy from the meteor!"

Mother looked down at the cube and saw the wiggling figure.

"Deka... you need to show this to the world!"

Alternate Worlds - Secrets Of The Universe - Volume 2 Where stories live. Discover now