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As I was looking at the menu I saw some guys with a camera so I put my hand on Daniel's on the table.
Daniel: what are you doing?
Y/n: just go along with it, there's a guy outside with a camera pointing at us
Daniel: okay
??: hi I'm your waiter tonight, what can I get you?
Daniel: I'll have the *something random*
Waiter: okay, and for you cutie
Y/n: I'll get *something random*
Waiter: sure
After we finished eating and everything Daniel payed the bill and wouldn't let me pay for any of it. We got back in his car and we started driving to my apartment when my phone started ringing and it was Jessica.
Y/n: hey Jessica
Jessica: hey, are you still with Daniel?
Y/n: yeah why?
Jessica: okay, you and Daniel need to announce that's your dating tonight. Paparazzi have posted pictures of you and Daniel on the date so this is the next step
Y/n: fine okay bye
Jessica: bye y/n

Y/n looks out the window really annoyed so I put my hand on her thigh. She doesn't move it and carries on looking out the window. When we arrive to her apartment she looked at me.
Daniel: what?
Y/n: David and Jessica want us to tell our fans we're dating, tonight because paparazzi have put up pictures of us on the date
Daniel: oh okay
Y/n: come on in
We get out the car and walk up to her apartment. We get in and Y/n turns the lights on.



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Y/NAfter a while me and Daniel took so photos to upload them on Instagram to tell our fans that we are "dating"Daniel: okay so caption, how about my baby with a blue and red heart?Y/n: yeah okay

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After a while me and Daniel took so photos to upload them on Instagram to tell our fans that we are "dating"
Daniel: okay so caption, how about my baby with a blue and red heart?
Y/n: yeah okay

Y/NAfter a while me and Daniel took so photos to upload them on Instagram to tell our fans that we are "dating"Daniel: okay so caption, how about my baby with a blue and red heart?Y/n: yeah okay

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@seaveydaniel: my baby❤️💙 @yn.yln
Liked by: @corbynbesson, @anna.seavey, @yn.yln and 69,924 others
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@yn.yln: my baby❤️💙 @seaveydaniel
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Daniel: I should get going it's nearly 12am
Y/n: or you could stay the night? I mean it saves you driving home in the dark
Daniel: only if your sure
Y/n: yeah of course
Daniel: okay thanks. I'll take the couch
Y/n: Daniel you've already slept next to me so you can sleep in the bed again
Daniel: okay

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