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Today my new song is coming out, Daniel help wrote it and it's amazing.

Y/NToday my new song is coming out, Daniel help wrote it and it's amazing

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@yn.yln: my new song one touch is now out, I would like to say a hug thankyou to my boyfriend @seaveydaniel for helping me write this. I don't know what I could of done without you💙❤️ On YouTube, Spotify and Apple Music now!
Liked by: @seaveydaniel, @anna.seavey, @corbynbesson and 94,046 others
@kaycookk: congratulations baby💙
@seaveydaniel: love you baby💙
@beautychickee: it's amazing, you did so well💜

Daniel: I'm so proud of you
Y/n: thankyou for helping me write it
Gabbie: Congratulations y/n!
Jonah: tonight we're going to celebrate
Y/n: thanks Gabs

The boys invited Anna,Ashley and Ava so y/n could meet Ashley and Ava. The rest of the night we just celebrated and had a good time.

Next day

I wake up in Daniel's bed with a headache, last night I think we celebrated a little to hard. Daniel's now awake and is being sick in the bathroom.
Anna: yeah! *she brings it in*
Daniel: I'm okay
Y/n: no your not
Anna: Daniel you drank a lot last night. Zach is also being sick and Kay is looking after him.
Y/n: I've just got a headache, Dani you need to rest today
Daniel: I don't want to re- *be's sick*
Anna: I'll leave you to it
Daniel: I'm fine I promise
Y/n: can you just rest today, for me
Daniel: okay

I got back into bed and y/n laid with me, we watched stranger things for a while and then we both fell asleep.

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