Hitting 1 million

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One touch has only been out for a few days and it's already hit one million streams already.
Y/n: DANIIIIIII!!!! *runs to everyone is the back garden*
Daniel: what? What's wrong?
Daniel: congratulations
Jonah: wow, that's amazing y/n
Kay: I'm so proud of you
Y/n: thanks guys
Corbyn: we have to have a barbecue to celebrate and we can all invite our family's *my phone goes off*

Y/n: DANIIIIIII!!!! *runs to everyone is the back garden*Daniel: what? What's wrong?Y/n: I HIT ONE MILLION STREAMS ALREADY!!!!Daniel: congratulationsJonah: wow, that's amazing y/nKay: I'm so proud of youY/n: thanks guys Corbyn: we have to have a b...

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Corbyn: y/n, you okay with that?
Y/n: huh?
Daniel: our family's are coming over for a barbecue is that okay?
Y/n: oh yeah, it's fine by me


Hair and makeup

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Hair and makeup

Daniel Y/n walked back into the house so I follow her leaving everyone else outside

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Y/n walked back into the house so I follow her leaving everyone else outside.
Daniel: is everything okay?
Y/n: yeah, why wouldn't it be?
Daniel: you just looked at your phone that's all
Y/n: yeah everything's fine, Jessica was just telling me we have a date night tomorrow so not to party to hard
Daniel: oh okay
Everyone is now here, Jonah's on the barbecue with Corbyn and Zach annoying them. Y/n's taking to my family and the others are just having a good time.
Daniel: hey guys
Jeff: hey son
Y/n: hey baby *we kiss*
Daniel: what you talking about?
Tyler: dad was just talking about how one day y/n and you could move in ours
Daniel: ummm...I don't, me and the boys are doing amazing and y/n has her own apartment
Keri: it was just an idea

After everyone left it's just me,Dani,the boys and girls, Anna and Ashley.
Y/n: so, your dad was talking about everything before and he mentioned something
Daniel: what did he say?
Y/n: he was talking about how we will have to keep a lot of apple juice in the fridge when I move in here
Daniel: ummm...we were wondering if you wanted to move in with me and the boys
Y/n: Dani-
Daniel: no it's okay. I understand you have your apartment and things might not work out
Y/n: I'm sorry

 I understand you have your apartment and things might not work out Y/n: I'm sorry

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@yn.yln: One touch has only been out for a few days and it's already gone one million streams. I just wanted to thank you all for being amazing💜 I love you guys
Liked by: @anna.seavey, @james.yln, @seaveydaniel and 99,056 others
@james.yln: congratulations sis💙
@beautychickee: you deserve it baby🥺
@seaveydaniel: my girl doing amazing😘

yln: congratulations sis💙@beautychickee: you deserve it baby🥺@seaveydaniel: my girl doing amazing😘

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@seaveydaniel: Congratulations on already hitting one million streams baby. I'm so proud of you❤️❤️ @yn.yln
Liked by: @corbynbesson, @jackaverymusic, @yn.yln and 99,157 others
@imzachherron: my poor eyes
@yn.yln: couldn't of done it without you💙
@corbynbesson: well done y/n❤️

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