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It's a week before my due date and I'm currently in the living room at the boys house just talking with Kay.
Kay: do you feel that?
Y/n: wha- owww
Kay: y/n is everything okay?
Y/n: I think my waters broke
Kay: DANIEL, BOY!!!!
Daniel: WHAT?!
Kay: y/n's going into labour

We get the bags and take y/n to the hospital, my family and everyone are here. Y/n is doing so well.
Nurse: okay y/n, 2 more pushes and your baby is here. *5 minutes later we here crying and our baby boy is here*
Nurse: here's you baby boy. What you naming him?
Y/n: Oscar, Oscar Daniel Seavey *everyone comes in*
Anna: omg he's so cute
Christina: he's got y/n's nose
Y/n: yeah but he has Daniel's eyes
Keri: Congratulations guys
Oscar: so what's his name.
Daniel&Y/n: Oscar Daniel Seavey
Oscar: awww
Y/n: we named his after you Oscar
Daniel: yeah you have helped a lot this year
Oscar: aww guys

This is it, our family is complete. Our baby boy is here and me and Daniel are amazing.

 Our baby boy is here and me and Daniel are amazing

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@yn.yln: Everyone meet Oscar Daniel Seavey💙
Liked by: @seaveydaniel, @realoscarguerra, @kaycookk and 84,924 others
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yln: Everyone meet Oscar Daniel Seavey💙Liked by: @seaveydaniel, @realoscarguerra, @kaycookk and 84,924 others Comments disabled

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@seaveydaniel: Oscar Daniel Seavey💙
Liked by: @yn.yln, @imzachherron, @christian_seavey and 94,041 others
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