Meeting his family part: 2

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Me and Y/n go back downstairs and my family are sorting out the food and table. After everything is ready we all sit down and start to eat.
Jeff: so how long have you two been together
Daniel: we met about a year ago and I asked y/n to be my girlfriend and we have been together for 6 months
Keri: you didn't tell us
Daniel: mum, we didn't tell anyone until we announced it to our fans
Tyler: so where did you two meet?
Y/n: I was just at the beach one day just thinking about family, I bumped into Daniel
Keri: so y/n do any of your family live here?
Y/n: mum passed away due to cancer 2 years ago. My dad got re-married and has a wide called Amy. My brother James lives in Europe and I have 3 step siblings
Jeff: sorry to hear that
Y/n: it's okay, I was just at a really low point in life but then I met Daniel and now I'm happy
Christian: so your a singer?
Y/n: yeah, I've been singing now for about 3 years

After we all ate me and Daniel said bye to his family and we got into the car and started driving.
Y/n: Dani this isn't the way back
Daniel: I know, just trust me you'll love it *we arrive*
Y/n: why are we at the beach?
Daniel: I was hoping we could maybe go for a little walk
Y/n: are you sure your not trying to kill me
Daniel: I'm not, I promise. I'll never hurt you ever again
We got out the car and started walking. It was dark and peaceful, Daniel intwined our hands and we carried on walking.
Y/n: it's amazing
Daniel: just like you, everything my dad said tonight about one day us getting married and having children, I want that with you
Y/n: I want that with you too

Y/n: it's amazingDaniel: just like you, everything my dad said tonight about one day us getting married and having children, I want that with you Y/n: I want that with you too

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@yn.yln: finally got to meet Anna❤️ @anna.seavey
Liked by: @kaycookk, @anna.seavey, @seaveydaniel and 99,024 others
@anna.seavey: 💜💜
@seaveydaniel: my sister stealing my girlfriend away from🙁
@imzachherrom: don't cry^

seavey: 💜💜@seaveydaniel: my sister stealing my girlfriend away from🙁@imzachherrom: don't cry^

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@anna.seavey: this girl is amazing❤️ @yn.yln
Liked by: @keri.seavey, @ashleymaebesson, @yn.yln and 84,924 others
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