when the lost is found

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Anakin's POV
I started to use the force and my bond with ahsoka to try and find her location, it all was a little fuzzy but eventually we got their.
"R2 get this door open now" I said to my droid and he opened the door almost immediately.
"Ashoka" I yell as a run in seeing her tightly curled up in a corner. She was broken, there we bones sticking out and bending at weird angles but she was still curled up in a ball as tightly as she could.
"Ahsoka" I called out again but nothing happened. I started to approach but then her big blue eyes opened and she started screaming.
"STOP STOP PLEASE STOP" she cried and squeezed her eye shut again curling more into herself than before. I stopped in my tracks and tried to talk to her again. Knowing that she would hurt herself more seriously if she kept curling up her body.
"It's okay Ashoka your safe, no one is gonna hurt you now" I said calm but still nothing. Then I noticed something the collar was still on her. I quickly used the force to break her collar to which she relaxed a little bit too. Then I tried talking with her again.
"Ahsoka please stop, im right here, so is Rex and Kix, your safe please talk to me." I started. Slowly but surly she started to open her eyes and rasp out "hurts"
"I know we are gonna get you help" I said and started to walk towards her. Her breathing got a little heavier but she made no arguments or pleads. Finally I reached her a gently placed my thumb on her chin trying to get a look at her face. Her face was all bruised up and had a few cuts over overall no real damage to her face. Her body was another story though. I thought see at least 6 broken ribs, broken arm, most fingers twisted, dislocated knee and well as a shattered ankle. I motioned to Kix as he slowly walked over to try and see if he could ease some of the pain. Thought having helped ahsoka before as soon as he placed his strong hand on her knees she whimpered and try to curl up again.
"Shhhhhhh soka ur safe shhhh" I said reaching out through the force as well trying to sooth her and kix went back to work surveying the damage.
"I can give her some stuff to help with the pain but I cannot do much until we get back to ship, and she is in no condition to fight much less walk." He said as he damaged some of the wounds up.
"Okay I'll contact General Kenobi and the Admiral and see how the fight is going." Rex said. All I hope is that we are not too late.

AND THATS A WRAP!!! Missed y'all if ur watching the mandolorian hope you are liking it !!! Hopfully you guy like the book and I'll keep trying to update :))

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