Misaki stairs part 2

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the school had changed into a very red set of stairs that seemed to lead upwards for forever "well it's going to be fun that's for sure, come on!" Hanako motioned for Yashiro and Kou to follow him. looking around they all saw the strange dolls hanging around the stairway which had the kanji for '2' on their faces. Nene looked down seeing that the stairs were surrounded by water and attempted to touch it before remembering and seeing her scales flare-up. "hey Nene are you OK" asked Kou reaching to check her hand "no, I'm fine" she said as she got up and moved very quickly while covering her hand. Kou moved on and asked Hanako "so where's all this shredding your not protecting me from?" Hanako, who was much further ahead, joked almost mockingly "you expected to see the main event right away?" he shook his finger "no no no, then we'd have nothing to look forward to besides I prefer to watch someone get torn apart real slowly" Hanako laughed at his dark joke Kou started hiking up the stairs "you know you really are a piece of work evil spirit" Hanako looked back at him and stood up straight "I'm glad someone gets it, we seven wonders try to protect and help out but give the credit to luck or 'the universe' as some call it but when we do something scary you know exactly who did it." he looked down the stairs to see the boy in a red coat just standing there "Number 2 is taking it too far however and must be stopped." Hanako finished as the phone rang. Yashiro slowly moved towards it as everyone grouped up to listen "hello, who's there? Can you hear me?" Yashiro fell silent as a female voice came out the phone

"hello, this is Misaki" Kou insisted for Nene to hang up knowing that name was the same one as in the name of the rumored stairs "my classroom was at the top of these stairs, I adored my students and they loved to learn, but the place that filled my life with joy was also the place I met my death." Yashiro was quaking in fear but Hanako placed his hand on her shoulder calming her down "gather the scattered portions of my body for me, find my right arm first it's the one I used for writing on the board during lessons hurry please class is about to start and students are waiting" then the phone beeped "she hung up on me" Yashiro placed to phone back where she found it a sound came from the top of the stairs everyone turned to look and saw that it was an hourglass and the sands were falling the timer has started. "don't worry Yashiro, we don't need to listen to that prank call" Hanako pulled his shirt back "I wouldn't advise that, like all of the number's territories number 2 is unbeatable in her element but, if we can find the source of her power we can shut her down." the boy in white stepped up to Kou "don't make her angry kid, she knows what she's doing" Kou raised his weapon again "what makes you think I'll listen to you?" the boy looked down "a word from your elders should not be taken so lightly Minamoto" Yashiro and Hanako started looking around for a right hand to put at the top of the stairs as the bell rung.

"who's late who's late" the dolls started to chant as the kanji on their face formed into little eyes and mouths and a giant pair of scissors started chasing the group as they dodged and weaved up the stairs before the boy in white tossed something into the box at the top closing it as fast as he could. the doors opened and everyone jumped through to safety "hardly a challenge" the boy in white said as he turned around revealing to everyone that his right arm was missing. Yashiro screamed as Kou and Hanako tried to cover her eyes. "what?" the boy in white asked, "you're missing something friend" Hanako pointed at the place where his arm should be "oh, sorry about that number 7." he rubbed the back of his head with his left arm "I should have told you guys that I was dead, my B" putting his arm around Hanako "we should move on soon I would love to see what comes next" the phone rang again but this time it was Hanako who picked it up "hello, how are you?" the voice asked for her right arm and proceed to explain that she prayed to the shrine every morning to bless good luck for her students "please hurry, class is starting soo-" "hey number 2, it's been a while how are you? do you remember me?" the voice paused before starting again "class is starting soon I wouldn't recommend being late." before she hung up once more. Kou and Yashiro asked what he meant "well, I'm a wonder she's a wonder it's kind of assumed" then the sands started to fall again

Ascending the stairs Kou, Hanako, Nene and the boy in white were on the final level of course the two humans were exhausted after climbing so high and the ghosts well... "that took a while in fact I'd say it cost us an arm and a leg" the Moki made a bu bum chish sound with some toys that were lying around. he laughed at his own joke as the 4 opened the last door. "wait if we were finding her body then how was she making those phone calls?" Yashiro asked Hanako "it took you that long to figure that out?" the boy in white tugged on Hanako "it's because her name isn't Misaki it's actually..." then his voice went quiet as a creature came from the darkness which turned out to be all the body parts they collected which was a mismatch Frankenstein look'n thing "Hanako, you didn't tell me they had to match!" Kou grabbed Hanako's jacket "and you, did you know this was going to happen?" he tried to grab the boy in white's coat but he sidestepped out of his range causing Kou to fall over before they heard a splashing sound as someone came closer to them the details were a bit hazy but she was tall, blonde, wore high heeled sandals and a long white coat with little bells on her fox-like ears. "finally, nice to see you" her voice was smooth as buttered gravy and her eyes as fierce as a fox. Yashiro looked at her almost amazed by her beauty. "she's so pretty, I didn't expect that." she whispered into Hanako's ear who just looked at her. "Yashiro really, not the time." the boy in white nodded "no, she's right" he stepped back to admire such a gorgeous lady when the woman gasped and ran towards the figure behind them, laying her hands on it looked back with a dark gaze Yashiro and Kou tried to plead with her but... "it's a wonderful body, thank you so much" her voice like jumped an octave being more playful then sinister hot. "so does that mean you like it?" Kou asked not really sure what to do. "this is quite a relief I was in a terrible bind as you know and I knew if I had another human help me it was the right thing to do." she returned to the body "this body is so different it has to work" she started stroking it's face "don't you think so, my Misaki?" she but her arms on its chest "now, won't you walk for me?" her breath was gold in color as the body started to shamble to life it's right arm extending and it's left arm [which was a broom] wiggled on its own. its right leg was the leg of the boy in white now attached to a different body it's left leg a mannequin's shook to life as it's face remained so still and its chest heaved the humans were scared into yelping and the ghost stood very still, except for the woman in white who looked overjoyed at the body made as it took its first step, then another until it could jump and the magic breath left it and it crumbled on the watery floor "you have to admit we put our best effort into that" the boy in white said. number 2 kneeled down to pick up it's head "a shame" her voice was low again "another failure" Yashiro stepped up "um, is this a bad time or could I ask you something?" the woman didn't look up "just one." "are there others here that might be the same age as me?" the woman stood up "you mean the other failures?" she pointed her finger as a light floated over to a pile of dolls all having the kanji face and one of them had Aoi's hairstyle "just look around and you'll find them" Yashiro ran over to her and cried her name "Aoi please, don't go" the woman stood up disappearing for but a moment before "I guess it's business as usual, time to cut you up my dear." the scissors closed as Kou leapt in front of it blocking with his staff "I got this Nene stay back" Kou started spinning his staff and got into a stance known as the serpent stance meant to keep your body low and untouchable to long reach weapons like the giant scissors. "don't forget about us" Hanako and the boy in white stood shoulder to shoulder to block number 2 "it's truly a pity I would have saved you two but, I need to fulfill my rumor and cut them even if I have to go through you" the boy in white laughed and it wasn't a haha kinda laugh oh no, this was a full belly 'your sooo dead again' kinda laugh. "what's so funny?" recalling his body parts back to him he pointed at the doors behind her making her turn around then, quick as lightning he took some rope tied it around Yashiro and had her on the edge of the floor where it became a waterfall "do you trust me Nene?" she looked to Hanako horrified who frowned knowing what he was doing and nodded. "what?" then Nene was pushed off the rope falling with her as she screamed all the way down

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