the choices we make

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Yashiro and Kou were dragged to the principal's office and tossed into the chairs as the principal waved his hands two seatbelts came out of the seats and tied around Yashiro and Kou "What are you doing?" Yashiro whined while struggling against the seatbelt. Hachi folded his hands together and rested his head on them "I should have told you the whole truth." he looked them in the eyes "Shijima is more kind than you could possibly imagine, and you broke her." the principal got up and put his hands on Kou's shoulder "I know your upset and I forgive you for your actions. you want to save your sister and we will, just not yet." Kou looked at him and stopped struggling as he stopped moving all together with the principal's finger on his head "Mr. Tsuchigomori!" the librarian came through the door "you called sir?" Hachi pointed to Kou's still form "get him out of here, and make sure he's alive." Tsuchigomori bowed and left with Kou in his arms. 

"Now you Yashiro, that was very impressive but you don't have the heart to do that." he put his hand on Yashiro's shoulder as he sat on the desk in front of her "so do tell how you summoned such bravery and cunning to pull that off." Yashiro looked at him as the seatbelt-like restraint moved from her mouth "I don't know... it just happened." the restraints tightened around her "that's not an acceptable answer Yashiro! now there's one question I want you to answer with the truth." he leaned over to a book in his desk and showed it to her "I know Shijima and I know you, so how did you get that courage so quickly Yashiro?! TELL ME!" Yashiro didn't move didn't even gasp when Hachi slammed the book into her stomach "I don't know, Sam Guess." Hachi giggled "Angel... it was Angel wasn't it?" Yashiro smiled as the light bathed her and her outfit changed "of course it was I, who else could think up such an elaborate plan?" Hachi raised his hands but the restraints didn't move "leave her or she will die Angel. that is the law of your power, and I will enforce it." Hachi pulled his rapier from his pocket and Angel summoned her staff of light from the ground "shall we dance?" Hachi got into his fencing stance "let's see if you choose your vessels wisely."

The fight was intense as the sun began to fall in the sky the office was bathed in a red light "you see Angel, when I was attached to you I found one weakness within you. when the sun falls so does your power and that includes your ability to control your host." he smiled "and I can't help but notice that it's sunset, meaning your power will fail any minute and we would both like to avoid any *civilian casualties*." Angel lowered her spear panting like she just ran a marathon "fine, you win Hachi" Angel's light faded until Yashiro was back to her normal self "w-what happened?" Yashiro woke up to see Hachi holding a small globe of light "oh, your awake." Hachi's voice was deeper, like when Yashiro first met him as the principal. "young Amane was looking for you, almost tore the school down looking for you that one." Hachi said with a hearty laugh as Amane hugged Yashiro from behind "come on Yashiro, we're gonna miss the meteor shower!" Amane grabbed her hand and ran out the door. "ha, kids these days." he took the globe of light back out from his pocket "now for you old friend, you betrayed my trust. why?" the globe flashed ith it's words "I was jealous of you and that nerd of a ghost, can you blame me?" Hachi crushed the globe and it shattered as the light faded "I know you have a second host, you always do."

"woah, there's a lot of people!" Yashiro and Kou looked around to see all of their classmates standing on the roof "so Yashiro, what do you want to see? stars or meteors?" Yashiro looked at him confused "um... I haven't given it much thought." Amane looked into the telescope again "there, Yashiro come see this." Yashiro looked into the telescope and saw a red dot in the sky "that's Mars on a clear night" Yashiro looked over to see that Aoi and Akane came back "so... that's normal right? them just showing up whenever." Amane nodded "pretty much" Yashiro went over to talk to them "are those cookies?" Yashiro pretended to be calm but inside she was screaming "oh Yashiro, yeah sure have some if you want. We even made some tea!" Yashiro had some but got side tracked when she noticed a telescope on a higher point of the school with no one looking through it. she climbed the ladder and looked through it to see a large red dot "it's Scorpious, you see that big red one in the center? it's called Antares, it's a red giant and the brightest star in the constellation" Yashiro looked at it and saw it was good "most stars already died out when we see them, especially red dwarfs and in a way, are like a ghost." Yashiro looked at him and his smile called her down "do you wanna look through the telescope Hanako?" Amane looked at her "you call me that a lot, am I really that similar to him?" Yashiro sat next to him and sighed "yeah, you are similar" she got up and paced the roof "he does various annoying things, he's always acting like a perv and making dumb jokes" Amane looked at her with that patented *look*

" Yashiro looked at him and his smile called her down "do you wanna look through the telescope Hanako?" Amane looked at her "you call me that a lot, am I really that similar to him?" Yashiro sat next to him and sighed "yeah, you are similar" she g...

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"that guy is similar to me how-" "BUT, I love him." Yashiro grabbed Amane by the back wrapping her arms around his chest tightly as the stars shined so brightly "so Hanako, let's escape this world together. I swear I will love you all the same!" 

number 8 of the school mysteries [discontinued for now]Where stories live. Discover now